
Pali Texts:

AN Anguttara Nikaya
Cv Cullavagga
Dhp Dhammapada
DhpA Dhammapada-atthakatha (Commentary to the Dhammapada)
DN Digha Nikaya
Iti Itivuttaka
Khp Khuddakapatha
KhpA Khuddakapatha-atthakatha (Commentary to the Khuddakapatha)
KN Khuddaka Nikaya
Miln Milindapañha
MN Majjhima Nikaya
Mv Mahavagga
Nd Niddesa
Nm Mahaniddesa
Nc Culaniddesa
Pv Petavatthu
Sn Sutta Nipata
SN Samyutta Nikaya
Thag Theragatha
ThagA Theragatha-atthakatha (Commentary to the Theragatha)
Thig Therigatha
ThigA Therigatha-atthakatha (Commentary to the Therigatha)
Ud Udana
Vv Vimanavatthu

Miscellaneous abbreviations:

BGS The Book of the Gradual Sayings, F.L. Woodward and E.M. Hare, trans. (Oxford: Pali Text Society, 1994). An English translation of the Anguttara Nikaya.
BJT Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series. A free public-domain electronic edition of the Tipitaka, published in 1997 by the International Buddhist Research and Information Center (380/9, Sarana Road, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka) and distributed by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project in association with the » Journal of Buddhist Ethics.
BKS The Book of the Kindred Sayings, Rhys Davids and F.L. Woodward, trans. (Oxford: Pali Text Society, 1997). An English translation of the Samyutta Nikaya.
BPS Buddhist Publication Society
CDB The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2000)
Comm, Comy Commentary
PTS Pali Text Society
Skt Sanskrit


& Because Pali has many ways of expressing the conjunction "and," Thanissaro Bhikkhu has chosen to make frequent use in his sutta translations of the ampersand (&) to join lists of words and short phrases, while using the word "and" to join long phrases and clauses.
{} In the suttas and their brief summaries, the braces enclose an alternate sutta reference number (see below) — usually either the PTS Pali volume and page number or the verse number.
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Sutta Reference Numbers

Over the years, Pali and Buddhist scholars have used a variety of numbering schemes when referring to suttas and other texts in the Tipitaka.1 On this website I use the following convention to identify texts within the Sutta Pitaka:

Readers who are accustomed to other numbering systems or who wish to compare Access to Insight's translations against the original Pali texts may refer to the alternative reference numbers that appear in braces {} on the pages that contain the short summaries of the suttas. (These summaries are available by clicking on the "About" link at the top of a sutta page.) These alternate references consist either of the corresponding volume and starting page number in the PTS printed Pali edition (in the case of DN, MN, SN, and AN), the verse numbers (in Ud, Sn, Thag, and Thig), the nipata and sutta number (in Iti), or some combination thereof. The braces may also contain additional notes concerning a text's location within the Tipitaka, especially in cases where the numbering varies between editions of the Tipitaka.

Representing Pali diacritics using the Velthuis method

Some books and articles on Access to Insight contain substantial amounts of Pali text. Many of them use the Velthuis method5 to represent romanized Pali's accented characters (diacritics) that are not part of the standard roman and ASCII alphabets. In this scheme two basic rules are observed:

For example: paa.naatipaataa verama.nii sikkhaa-pada.m samaadiyaami and itihida.m aayasmato ko.n.da~n~nassa a~n~na-ko.n.da~n~no'tveva naama.m ahosiiti.


1. For a review of the numbering systems used by many Pali scholars, see "The Contents and Structure of the Pali Canon and its Commentaries," by the »  UK Association for Buddhist Studies at the University of Sunderland.

2. These sutta tallies are for the complete Tipitaka; the number of sutta translations actually available on this website is a small fraction of that total.

3. The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2000), p. 23.

4. 9,557 and 8,777: Handbook of Pali Literature, by Somapala Jayawardhana (Colombo: Karunaratne & Sons, 1994), p. 12. 2,344: Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1999), p. xv. 2,308: An Analysis of the Pali Canon, Russell Webb, ed. (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1975), p. 26.

5. This scheme was first developed in 1991 by Frans Velthuis for use with his "devnag" Devanagari font, designed for the TEX typesetting system (see » Pali and Sanskrit scholars have since adopted it as a standard technique in Internet correspondence (see, for example, the » Pali Text Society and the » Journal of Buddhist Ethics).