Buddhist Culture, The Cultured Buddhist, by Robert Bogoda (Buddhist Publication Society Bodhi Leaves No. 139; 1996; 36k/10pp.)
Four short essays on what it means for a layperson to live in line with the Buddha's teachings. These essays ("Buddhist Culture," "The Balanced Personality," "Knowing Oneself," and "Buddhism and Other Religions") all share a common message: through Buddhist practice it is possible to refine one's character, ennoble one's life, and become "cultured" in the highest sense of the word.
"Principles of Lay Buddhism," by R. Bogoda, in The Buddhist Layman (Buddhist Publication Society "Wheel" No. 294/295; 1982; 142k/38pp.)
A Simple Guide to Life, by Robert Bogoda (Buddhist Publication Society Wheel Publication No. 397; 1994; 84k/28pp.)
In clear and simple terms, this booklet offers thoughtful advice to help the lay Buddhist lead a householder's life in line with the Buddha's teachings.