"Monks, there are these six rewards in realizing the fruit of stream-entry. Which six? One is certain of the true Dhamma. One is not subject to falling back. There is no suffering over what has had a limit placed on it. 1 One is endowed with uncommon knowledge. 2 One rightly sees cause, along with causally-originated phenomena.

"These are the six rewards in realizing the fruit of stream-entry."


1. Pariyanta-katassa na dukkham hoti: In other words, one has no regret over the fact that one will experience rebirth only a limited number of times, and that a limit has been placed on the amount of suffering one is still subject to (see SN 13.1-2, 8). This statement counteracts the notion, sometimes expressed even in Buddhist circles, that a person can get "stuck" in release against his or her will, or that an awakened person might regret putting an end to samsara.

2. According to the Commentary, uncommon knowledge is knowledge in which unawakened people have no share.