"Tell the danger, dear sir,
for one given over
to sexual intercourse.
Having heard your teaching,
we'll train in seclusion."

The Buddha:

"In one given over
to sexual intercourse,
the teaching's confused
and he practices wrongly:
	this is ignoble
	in him.
Whoever once went alone,
but then resorts
to sexual intercourse
	— like a carriage out of control — 
is called vile in the world,
a person run-of-the-mill.
His earlier honor & dignity:
Seeing this,
he should train himself
to abandon sexual intercourse.

Overcome by resolves,
	he broods
like a miserable wretch.
Hearing the scorn of others,
	he's chagrined.
He makes weapons,
attacked by the words of others.
This, for him, is a great entanglement.
	into lies.

	They thought him wise
when he committed himself
to the life alone,
but now that he's given
to sexual intercourse
	they declare him a fool.

Seeing these drawbacks, the sage
	here — before & after — 
stays firm in the life alone;
doesn't resort to sexual intercourse;
would train himself
in seclusion — 
		this, for the noble ones, is
He wouldn't, because of that,
think himself
better than others:
He's on the verge
	of Unbinding.

People enmeshed
in sensual pleasures,
envy him: 	free,
		a sage
leading his life
unconcerned for sensual pleasures
	— one who's crossed over the flood."

See also: AN 4.159; AN 5.75; AN 5.76.