Subhuti (Thag 1.1) {v. 1} [go up]

My hut is roofed, comfortable,
	free of drafts;
my mind, well-centered,
	set free.
I remain ardent.
	So, rain-deva.
	Go ahead & rain.

Mahakotthika (Thag 1.2) {v. 2} [go up]

Calmed, restrained,
giving counsel unruffled,
he lifts off evil states of mind — 
	as the breeze,
	a leaf from a tree.

Kankharevata (Thag 1.3) {v. 3} [go up]

	See this:
the discernment
of the Tathagatas,
like a fire ablaze in the night,
giving light, giving eyes,
to those who come,
subduing their doubt.

See also: Ud 5.7 (Kankharevata = Revata the Doubter).

Bhalliya (Thag 1.7) {v. 7} [go up]

Who scatters the troops
of the King of Death — 
as a great flood,
a very weak bridge made of reeds — 
	is victorious,
for his fears are dispersed.
	He's tamed,
	steadfast in himself.

Vanavaccha (Thag 1.13) {v. 13} [go up]

The color of blue-dark clouds,
cooled with the waters
of clear-flowing streams
covered with ladybugs:
	   those rocky crags 
	   refresh me.

Vanavaccha's pupil (Thag 1.14) {v. 14} [go up]

My preceptor said to me:
	Let's go from here, Sivaka.
My body stays in the village,
my mind has gone to the wilds.
Even though I'm lying down,
	I go.
There's no tying down
	one who knows.

Belatthasisa (Thag 1.16) {v. 16} [go up]

[Alternate translation: Hecker/Khema.]

Just as a fine thoroughbred steed,
with swishing tail & mane
runs with next-to-no effort,
so my days & nights
run with next-to-no effort
now that I've gained a happiness
	   not of the flesh.

Singalapita (Thag 1.18) {v. 18} [go up]

There was an heir to the One Awakened,
a monk in the Bhesakala forest,
who suffused this whole earth
with the perception of
Quickly, I'd say, he abandoned
sensual passion.

Nigrodha (Thag 1.21) {v. 21} [go up]

I'm not afraid  of danger,
	       of fear.
Our Teacher's adept 
in the Deathless.
Where danger, where fear
do not remain:
	that's the path
	by which the monks go.

Cittaka (Thag 1.22) {v. 22} [go up]

crested, blue, with gorgeous necks,
	cry out
in the Karamvi woods,
thrilled by the cold wind.
They awaken the sleeper
	to meditate.

Gosala (Thag 1.23) {v. 23} [go up]

I — having eaten honey-rice
in a bamboo patch
and rightly grasping the aggregates'
arising-disbanding — 
	will return to the hillside, intent
	on seclusion.

Nandiya (to Mara) (Thag 1.25) {v. 25} [go up]

Like splendor, his mind,
continually fruitful:
Attack a monk like that,
you Dark One,
and you'll fall 
into pain.

Abhaya (Thag 1.26) {v. 26} [go up]

Hearing the well-spoken words
of the Awakened One,
Kinsman of the Sun, 
I pierced what is subtle — 
	as if, with an arrow,
	the tip of a horse-tail hair.

Harita (Thag 1.29) {v. 29} [go up]

raise yourself up-
and, straightening your mind
— like a fletcher, an arrow — 
	shatter ignorance
	   to bits.

Suppiya (Thag 1.32) {v. 32} [go up]

I'll make a trade:
aging for the Ageless,
burning for the Unbound:
	the highest peace,
	the unexcelled rest
	   from the yoke.

Tissa (Thag 1.39) {v. 39} [go up]

As if struck by a sword,
as if his head were on fire,
a monk should live the wandering life
	— mindful — 
for the abandoning of sensual passion.

Sirivaddha (Thag 1.41) {v. 41} [go up]

Lightning lands on the cleft
between Vebhara & Pandava,
having gone to the cleft in the mountains,
he's absorbed in jhana — the son
	of the one without compare,
	the one who is Such.

Sumangala (Thag 1.43) {v. 43} [go up]

So freed! So freed!
So thoroughly freed am I
from three crooked things:
my sickles, my shovels, my plows.
Even if they were here,
	   right here,
I'd be done with them,
Do jhana, Sumangala.
Do jhana, Sumangala.
Sumangala, stay heedful.

Ramaneyyaka (Thag 1.49) {v. 49} [go up]

Even with all the whistles & whistling,
the calls of the birds,
this, my mind, doesn't waver,
for my delight is in

Vimala (Thag 1.50) {v. 50} [go up]

The earth's sprinkled
with rain, wind
is blowing, lightning
wanders the sky,
but my thoughts are stilled,
	my mind.

Kutiviharin (1) (Thag 1.56) {v. 56} [go up]

Who's in the hut?
A monk's in the hut — 
	free from passion,
	with well-centered mind.
Know this, my friend:
	The hut you built
	wasn't wasted.

Kutiviharin (2) (Thag 1.57) {v. 57} [go up]

This was your old hut,
	and you aspire to another,
	   new hut.
Discard your hope for a hut, monk.
A new hut will be
	painful all over again.1

1. Compare Dhp 153-154.

Vappa (Thag 1.61) {v. 61} [go up]

One who sees
	sees who sees,
	sees who doesn't.
One who doesn't see
	see who sees
	or who doesn't.

Ekuddaniya (Thag 1.68) {v. 68} [go up]

Exalted in mind & heedful:
a sage trained in sagacity's ways.
He has no sorrows, one who is Such,1
	calmed & ever mindful.

1. Tadi: "Such," an adjective to describe one who has attained the goal. It indicates that the person's state is indefinable but not subject to change or influences of any sort.

Manava (Thag 1.73) {v. 73} [go up]

On seeing an old person;
a person in pain, diseased;
a person dead, gone to life's end,
	I left 
for the life gone forth,
abandoning the sensuality
	that entices the heart.

Susarada (Thag 1.75) {v. 75} [go up]

Good the sight
of the well-rectified:
	Doubt is cut off,
	intelligence grows.
Even fools
they make wise — 
	so the company of the true
	is good.

Nita (Thag 1.84) {v. 84} [go up]

Asleep the whole night,
delighting in company by day:
	when, when
	will the fool
	bring suffering & stress
	   to an end?

Sunaga (Thag 1.85) {v. 85} [go up]

Adept in a theme for the mind,
sensing the savor of solitude,
practicing jhana, 
masterful, mindful,
	you'd attain a pleasure
	not of the flesh.

Nagita (Thag 1.86) {v. 86} [go up]

Outside of this path,
the path of the many
who teach other things
doesn't go to Unbinding
	   as does this:
Thus the Blessed One
instructs the Community,
truly showing the palms of his hands.1

1. This is a reference to the fact that the Buddha was an "open-handed" teacher who held nothing back. See DN 16. The suttas addressed to Nagita are among the most plain-spoken passages in the Canon. See AN 5.30, AN 6.42, and AN 8.86.

Eraka (Thag 1.93) {v. 93} [go up]

Sensual pleasures are stressful,
Sensual pleasures aren't ease.
Whoever loves sensual pleasures
	loves stress,  Eraka.
Whoever doesn't,
	doesn't love stress.

Cakkhupala (Thag 1.95) {v. 95} [go up]

I'm blind,
my eyes are destroyed.
I've stumbled
on a wilderness track.
if I must crawl,
	I'll go on,
but not with an evil companion.

Khitaka (Thag 1.104) {v. 104} [go up]

How light my body!
Touched by abundant
rapture & bliss,
— like a cotton tuft
borne on the breeze — 
it seems to be floating
	   — my body!

Jenta (Thag 1.111) {v. 111} [go up]

Going forth is hard;
	houses are hard places to live;
the Dhamma is deep;
	wealth, hard to obtain;
it's hard to keep going
with whatever we get:
	so it's right that we ponder

Vanavaccha (Thag 1.113) {v. 113} [go up]

With clear waters &
	massive boulders,
frequented by monkeys &
covered with moss &
	water weeds,
those rocky crags refresh me.

Kimbila (Thag 1.118) {v. 118} [go up]

As if sent by a curse,
it drops on us — 
The body seems  other,
though it's still the same one.
I'm still here
& have never been absent from it,
but I remember myself
as if somebody else's.

Isidatta (Thag 1.120) {v. 120} [go up]

The five aggregates,
having been comprehended,
stand with their root
	cut through.
For me
	the ending of stress
	   is reached;
	the ending of fermentations,