I was
drunk with the intoxication
of my birth, wealth, & sovereignty.
Drunk with the intoxication
of my body's build, coloring, & form,
I wandered about,
regarding no one
as my equal or better,
	foolish, arrogant, haughty,
	my banner held high.
I — disrespectful, arrogant, proud — 
bowed down to no one,
not even mother,
or those commonly held
in respect.

Then — seeing the ultimate leader,
supreme, foremost of charioteers,
	like a blazing sun,
arrayed with a squadron of monks — 
casting away pride & intoxication
through an awareness serene & clear,
	I bowed down
to him, supreme
among all living beings.

Haughtiness & contempt
	have been abandoned
	— rooted out — 
the conceit "I am" is extracted,
all forms of pride, destroyed.