I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Savatthi, in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery. At that time Ven. Sariputta was with a variety of approaches instructing, urging, rousing, and encouraging Ven. Bhaddiya the Dwarf with Dhamma-talk. As Ven. Bhaddiya the Dwarf was, with a variety of approaches, being instructed, urged, roused, and encouraged by Ven. Sariputta with Dhamma-talk, his mind, through lack of clinging/sustenance, was released from the effluents.

The Blessed One saw that as Ven. Bhaddiya the Dwarf was, with a variety of approaches, being instructed, urged, roused, and encouraged by Ven. Sariputta with Dhamma-talk, his mind, through lack of clinging/sustenance, was released from the effluents.

Then, on realizing the significance of that, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed:

Above, below, everywhere released,
he does not focus on 'I am this.'
Thus released, he crosses the flood
not crossed before,
for the sake of no further becoming.

See also: Ud 7.2.