"Monks, there are these five faculties. Which five? The pleasure-faculty, the pain-faculty, the happiness-faculty, the distress-faculty, the equanimity-faculty.

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as pleasure, the pleasure-faculty arises. Being eased, one discerns, 'I am eased.' With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as pleasure, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the pleasure-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as pleasure — ceases & grows still.'

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as pain, the pain-faculty arises. Being pained, one discerns, 'I am pained.' With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as pain, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the pain-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as pain — ceases & grows still.'

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as happiness, the happiness-faculty arises. Being happy, one discerns, 'I am happy.' With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as happiness, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the happiness-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as happiness — ceases & grows still.'

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as distress, the distress-faculty arises. Being distressed, one discerns, 'I am distressed.' With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as distress, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the distress-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as distress — ceases & grows still.'

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as equanimity, the equanimity-faculty arises. Being equanimous, one discerns, 'I am equanimous.' With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as equanimity, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the equanimity-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as equanimity — ceases & grows still.'

"Just as when, from the conjunction & combining of two fire sticks, heat is generated & fire produced, while from the separation & laying down of those fire sticks the heat coming from them ceases & grows still; in the same way, in dependence on a contact to be experienced as pleasure, the pleasure-faculty arises...

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as pain, the pain-faculty arises...

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as happiness, the happiness-faculty arises...

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as distress, the distress-faculty arises...

"In dependence on a contact to be experienced as equanimity, the equanimity-faculty arises. Being equanimous, one discerns, 'I am equanimous.' With the cessation of that very contact to be experienced as equanimity, one discerns, 'What was experienced as coming from that — the equanimity-faculty arising in dependence on a contact to be experienced as equanimity — ceases & grows still.'"