Click on a title to read the article or book. Click on the author's name to read a brief biographical note. The date accompanying each text indicates the year of the edition on which the transcription is based.
A ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Ariyadhamma Mahathera
- Anapana Sati: Meditation on Breathing (BPS BL 115; 1988)
- Ariyesako, Bhikkhu
- Ashby, Dr. Elizabeth
- What Can Be Done About Conceit? (BPS BL 14; 1962)
- Our Reactions to Dukkha (BPS BL 26; 1965)
B ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Bischoff, Roger
- Buddhism in Myanmar: A Short History (BPS WH 399; 1995)
- Bodhi, Bhikkhu
- Buddhist Publication Society Newsletter Essays:
- Aims of Buddhist Education (1997)
- Anicca Vata Sankhara (1999)
- Association with the Wise (1994)
- Auspicious Month, An (1991)
- Balanced Way, The (1987)
- Better Than a Hundred Years (1999)
- Case for Study, The (1986)
- Dhamma and Non-duality (1994-95)
- Dhamma Without Rebirth? (1987)
- Discipline of Sobriety, A (1997)
- Does Rebirth Make Sense? (2000)
- Five Spiritual Faculties, The (1992-93)
- For the Welfare of Many (1994)
- From Views to Vision (1993-94)
- Giving Dignity to Life (1998)
- Guardians of the World, The (1993)
- Laying Down the Rod (1991)
- Lifestyles and Spiritual Progress (1998)
- Look at the Kalama Sutta, A (1988)
- Meeting the Divine Messengers (1996)
- Message for a Globalized World (1996)
- Navigating the New Millennium (2000)
- New Undertaking, A (1985)
- Nobility of the Truths, The (1991-92)
- Note on Openness, A (1990-91)
- Problem of Conflict, The (1989)
- Purification of Mind (1986)
- Quest for Meaning, The (1989)
- Refuge in the Buddha (1992)
- Remedy for Despair, A (1989)
- Search for Security, The (1990)
- Self-transformation (1990)
- Statement of Conscience, A (1988)
- Subrahma's Problem (1997)
- Taking Stock of Oneself (1987)
- Tolerance and Diversity (1993)
- Toward a Threshold of Understanding (1995)
- Tribute to Two Monks, A (1998)
- Two Faces of the Dhamma (1985)
- Two Paths to Knowledge (1999)
- Two Styles of insight Meditation (2000)
- Vision and Routine (1985)
- Vital Link, The (1988)
- Walking Even Amidst the Uneven (1996)
- Buddha and His Dhamma, The (BPS WH 433, 1999)
- Buddhist Response to Contemporary Dilemmas of Human Existence, A (1994)
- Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma (Introduction only), A (Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed.; BPS, 1993)
- Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- Discourses of the Ancient Nuns (BPS BL 143, 1997)
- Going for Refuge/Taking the Precepts (BPS WH 282; 1981)
- Living Message of the Dhammapada, The (BPS BL 129; 1993)
- Maha Kaccana: Master of Doctrinal Exposition(BPS WH 405; 1995)
- Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering, The (BPS, 1994)
- Nourishing the Roots: Essays on Buddhist Ethics (BPS WH 259; 1990)
- Taste of Freedom, The (BPS BL 71; 1976)
- Treatise on the Paramis, A (by Acariya Dhammapala (6th c.), Bhikkhu Bodhi trans.; BPS WH 409/411; 1996)
- Transcendental Dependent Arising: A Translation and Exposition of the Upanisa Sutta (BPS WH 277; 1980)
- Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya: A Personal Appreciation (1998)
- Buddhist Publication Society Newsletter Essays:
- Bodhinandamuni, Phra
- Bogoda, Robert
- Buddhist Culture, the Cultured Buddhist (BPS BL 139; 1996)
- "Principles of Lay Buddhism" in Buddhist Layman, The (BPS WH 294; 1982)
- Simple Guide to Life, A (BPS WH 397; 1994)
- Boowa, Phra Ajaan Maha
- Brahmali Bhikkhu
- Buddhaghosacariya, Somdet Phra (Ñanavara Thera)
- Buddharakkhita, Acharya
- Dhammapada, The: The Buddha's Path of Wisdom (BPS, 1985)
- Metta: The Philosophy and Practice of Universal Love (BPS WH 365; 1989)
- Positive Response: How to Meet Evil with Good (BPS BL 109; 1987)
- Bullen, Leonard
- Buddhism: A Method of Mind Training (BPS BL 42; 1991)
- Burlingame, E.W.
- Buddhist Stories from the Dhammapada Commentary (Part II) (BPS WH 324; 1985)
- Burns, Douglas
- Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology (BPS WH 88; 1994)
C ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Chah, Phra Ajaan
- Bodhinyana (1982)
- Food for the Heart (1992)
- Living Dhamma (1992)
- Our Real Home (BPS BL 111; 1987)
- Taste of Freedom, A (1991)
- Teachings of Ajahn Chah, The (2004)
- Conze, Edward
- Way of Wisdom, The (BPS WH 65; 1993)
D ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- DeGraff, Geoffrey — see Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
- de Silva, Lily
- "Buddhist Attitude Towards Nature, The" (from BPS WH 346; 1987)
- "Giving in the Pali Canon," in Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- Ministering to the Sick and Terminally Ill (BPS BL 132; 1994)
- Nibbana As Living Experience/The Buddha and The Arahant: Two Studies from the Pali Canon (BPS WH 407/408, 1996)
- One Foot in the World: Buddhist Approaches to Present-day Problems (BPS WH 337; 1986)
- Radical Therapy: Buddhist Precepts in the Modern World (BPS BL 123; 1991)
- Self-made Private Prison, The (BPS BL 120; 1990)
- de Silva, Dr. M.W. Padmasiri
- Psychology of Emotions in Buddhist Perspective, The (BPS WH 237; 1976)
- "Spell of Narcissism and the Anatta Doctrine, The" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 3, Egolessness (BPS WH 202; 1984)
- Dewaraja, Lorna Srimathie
- Position of Women in Buddhism, The (BPS WH 280; 1981)
- Dhammananda, Ven. K. Sri
- Dhammayut Order in the United States of America
- Dhammika, Ven. Shravasti
- Edicts of King Asoka, The (BPS WH 386; 1993)
- Gemstones of the Good Dhamma (Saddhamma-maniratana): An Anthology of Verses from the Pali Scriptures (BPS WH 342; 1987)
- Matrceta's Hymn to the Buddha: An English Rendering of the Satapancasatka (BPS WH 360; 1989)
- Dune, Phra Ajaan
E ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
F ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Fawcett, Brian
- The Mastery of Pride (BPS BL 14; 1962)
- Figen, Dorothy
- Beginning Insight Meditation, and Other Essays (BPS BL 85; 1988)
- Fuang, Phra Ajaan
- Awareness Itself (1999)
- Listen Well (2001)
- Single Mind, A (1999)
- Timeless and True (1998)
G ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Gilbert, William
- "Soul and Substance" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 3, Egolessness (BPS WH 202; 1984)
- Greenly, Edward
- "Physical and Biological Aspects of Anatta" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 3, Egolessness (BPS WH 202; 1984)
- Gunaratana, Henepola
- Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist Meditation, The (BPS WH 351; 1988)
- Gunaratna, V.F.
- Buddhist Reflections on Death (BPS WH 102; 1982)
- Guruge, Ananda W.P.
- Buddha's Encounters With Mara, The (BPS WH 419; 1997)
H ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Harris, Elizabeth J.
- Detachment and Compassion in Early Buddhism (BPS BL 141; 1997)
- Journey into Buddhism, A (BPS BL 134; 1994)
- Violence and Disruption in Society: A Study of the Early Buddhist Texts (BPS WH 392; 1994)
- Hecker, Hellmuth
- Ananda: The Guardian of the Dhamma (BPS WH 273; 1980)
- Anathapindika: The Great Benefactor (BPS WH 334; 1986)
- Angulimala: A Murderer's Road to Sainthood (BPS WH 312; 1984)
- Buddhist Women at the Time of the Buddha (BPS WH 292; 1982)
- Maha Kassapa: Father of the Sangha (BPS WH 345; 1987)
- Life of Maha-Moggallana (BPS WH 263; 1979)
- Horner, I.B.
- Blessed One's City of Dhamma, The: From the Milindapañha (BPS BL 130, 1993)
- Women in Early Buddhist Literature (BPS WH 30; 1982)
I ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Ireland, John D.
- Discourse Collection, The: Selected Texts from the Sutta Nipata (BPS WH 82; 1983)
- Itivuttaka: The Buddha's Sayings (excerpts) (BPS; 1997)
- Samyutta Nikaya: An Anthology (Part I) (BPS WH 107; 1981)
- Vangisa: An Early Buddhist Poet (BPS WH 417/418; 1997)
J ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Jackson, Natasha
- "Unselfish Joy: A Neglected Virtue" (in BPS WH 170; 1983)
- Jones, Ken
- Buddhism & Social Action (BPS WH 285; 1981)
- Jootla, Susan Elbaum
- Inspiration from Enlightened Nuns (BPS WH 349; 1988)
- Investigation for Insight (BPS WH 301; 1983)
- "The Practice of Giving," in Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- "Right Livelihood" in Buddhist Layman, The (BPS WH 294; 1982)
- Taste of the Holy Life, A: An Account of an International Ordination in Myanmar (BPS BL 133; 1994)
- Teacher of the Devas (BPS WH 414; 1997)
K ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Kariyawasam, A.G.S
- Buddhist Ceremonies and Rituals of Sri Lanka (BPS WH 402-404; 1995)
- Karunadasa, Y.
- "Aniccam: The Buddhist Doctrine of Anicca (Impermanence)" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 1, Impermanence (BPS WH 186; 1981)
- Suvimalee Karunaratna
- Healing of the Bull, The: A Story (BPS BL 140; 1996)
- Prisoners of Karma: A Story (BPS BL 125; 1991)
- Kawasaki, Ken & Visakha
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part I (BPS BL 135; 1995)
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part II (BPS BL 138; 1996)
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part III (BPS BL 142; 1997)
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part IV (BPS BL 144; 1998)
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part V (BPS BL 158; 2002)
- Kee Nanayon, Upasika (K. Khao-suan-luang)
- Breath Meditation Condensed (1998)
- Directions for Insight (1995)
- Going Against the Flow (1998)
- Good Dose of Dhamma for Meditators When They Are Ill, A (1998)
- Looking Inward (1998)
- Pure & Simple (2003)
- Reading the Mind (1998)
- Stop, Look, and Let Go (1999)
- Unentangled Knowing, An: The Teachings of a Thai Buddhist Lay Woman (1998)
- Kelly, John
- Khamdee, Phra Ajaan
- Making the Dhamma Your Own (1999)
- Khantipalo, Bhikkhu
- Bag of Bones: A Miscellany on the Body (BPS WH 271/272, 1980)
- Blessings of Pindapata, The (BPS WH 73, 1964)
- Buddhist Monk's Discipline, The: Some Points Explained for Laypeople (BPS WH 130, 1984)
- Forest Meditations: The Verses of the Arahant Talaputa (BPS WH 243; 1983)
- Lay Buddhist Practice (BPS WH 206; 1982)
- Practical Advice for Meditators (BPS WH 116; 1986)
- "Walk in the Woods, A" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 1, Impermanence (BPS WH 186; 1981)
- Wheel of Birth and Death, The (BPS WH 147; 1970)
- With Robes and Bowl (BPS WH 83; 1986)
- Khema, Ayya
- All of Us (Beset by Birth, Decay and Death) (1988)
- (To be Seen) Here and Now (1989)
- Meditating on No-self (BPS BL 95; 1984)
- Khin, U Ba
- Essentials of Buddha Dhamma in Meditative Practice, The (with an essay on U Ba Khin by Eric Lerner; BPS WH 231; 1981)
- Knight, C.F
- "Mudita" (in BPS WH 170; 1983)
- "Search for a Self or Soul, The" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 3, Egolessness (BPS WH 202; 1984)
- Kusalasaya, Karuna
- Buddhism in Thailand: Its Past and Its Present (BPS WH 85; 2005)
L ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Ledi Sayadaw
- "The Advantages of Realizing the Doctrine of Anatta" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 3, Egolessness (BPS WH 202; 1984)
- Lee, Phra Ajaan
- Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee, The (1994)
- Basic Themes (1994)
- Craft of the Heart, The (1994)
- Consciousnesses (1997)
- Crossing the Ocean of Life (1998)
- Demons of Defilement (Kilesa Mara), The (1998)
- Dhamma for Everyone (2003)
- Divine Mantra, The (2006)
- Duties of the Sangha (1995)
- Eye of Discernment, The: An Anthology from the Teachings of Phra Ajaan Lee Dhammadaro (1999)
- Food for Thought (1995)
- Frames of Reference (1994)
- Handbook for the Relief of Suffering, A (1995)
- Inner Strength (1998)
- Keeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in Samadhi (2000)
- Knowledge (1997)
- Lessons in Samadhi — see Keeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in Samadhi
- Loyalty to Your Meditation (2001)
- Path to Peace and Freedom for the Mind, The (1995)
- Power of Good Will, The (2003)
- Power of Goodness, The (2004)
- Refuge in Awakening, A (1998)
- Shelter (2000)
- Skill of Release, The (1995)
- Starting Out Small: A Collection of Talks for Beginning Meditators (2000)
- Starting Out Small: A Collection of Talks for Beginning Meditators (Portfolio 2) (2003)
- Starting Out Small: A Collection of Talks for Beginning Meditators (Portfolio 3) (2005)
- Visakha Puja (1998)
- What is the Triple Gem? (1994)
- Lewis, G.N.
- "Self" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 3, Egolessness (BPS WH 202; 1984)
M ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Mahasi Sayadaw
- Progress of Insight, The (BPS, 1994)
- Satipatthana Vipassana: Insight Through Mindfulness (BPS WH 370; 1990)
- Thoughts on the Dhamma (BPS WH 298; 1983)
- Medhanandi, Ayya
- Food of Kindness, The (2005)
- Mendis, N.K.G.
- The Abhidhamma in Practice (BPS WH 322, 1985)
- The No-self Characteristic (BPS WH 268, 1979)
- Mun, Phra Ajaan
N ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Ñanananda, Bhikkhu
- Ideal Solitude: An Exposition of the Bhaddekaratta Sutta (BPS WH 188, 1973)
- Samyutta Nikaya: An Anthology (Part II) (BPS WH 183-185; 1983)
- Nanayon, Upasika Kee — see Kee Nanayon, Upasika
- Ñanamoli Thera
- "Anatta According to Theravada" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 3, Egolessness (BPS WH 202; 1984)
- "Anicca (Impermanence) According to Theravada" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 1, Impermanence (BPS WH 186; 1981)
- Buddha's Words on Kamma, The (BPS WH 248; 1993)
- Discourse on Right View, The (Bhikkhu Ñanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi; BPS WH 377, 1991)
- Lion's Roar, The: Two Discourses of Buddha (Bhikkhu Ñanamoli, trans.; Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed.; BPS WH 390; 1993)
- Practice of Loving-kindness (metta), The (BPS WH 7; 1987)
- Three Cardinal Discourses of the Buddha (BPS WH 17; 1981)
- Ñanasamvara, Somdet Phra (Venerable Suvaddhano Bhikkhu, HH the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand)
- Ñanajivako, Bhikkhu
- "Aniccam: The Buddhist Theory of Impermanence" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 1, Impermanence (BPS WH 186; 1981)
- Ñanavara Thera (Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacariya)
- Narada Thera
- Buddhism in a Nutshell (BPS, 1982)
- Everyman's Ethics (BPS WH 14; 1985)
- Nararatana Rajamanit, Chao Khun (Tryk Dhammavitakko)
- Iridescence on the Water, An (1997)
- Nyanaponika Thera
- Anguttara Nikaya: An Anthology (Part III: Books Eight to Eleven) (BPS WH 238; 1976)
- Buddhism and the God-idea (1994)
- Contemplation of Feeling: The Discourse Grouping on the Feelings (BPS WH 303; 1983)
- Courageous Faith (1994)
- Devotion in Buddhism (1994)
- Discourse on the Snake Simile, The (BPS WH 48; 1974)
- Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest, The (BPS WH 26; 1993)
- Four Nutriments of Life, The (BPS WH 105; 1981)
- Four Sublime States, The (BPS WH 6; 1993)
- "Is Unselfish Joy Practicable?" (in BPS WH 170; 1983)
- Kamma and its Fruit (1994)
- Life of Sariputta, The (BPS WH 90; 1987)
- Power of Mindfulness, The (BPS WH 121; 1986)
- Protection Through Satipatthana (BPS BL 34; 1990)
- Seeing Things as They Are (1994)
- Simile of the Cloth and the Discourse on Effacement, The (BPS WH 61; 1988)
- Threefold Refuge, The (BPS WH 76; 1983)
- Why End Suffering? (1994)
- Worn-Out Skin, The (BPS WH 83; 1989)
- Nyanasatta Thera
- Foundations of Mindfulness, The (BPS WH 19; 1993)
- Nyanatusita Thera
- Nyanasobhano, Bhikkhu — see Price, Leonard
- Nyanatiloka Mahathera
- "Egolessness" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 3, Egolessness (BPS WH 202; 1984)
- Fundamentals of Buddhism: Four Lectures (BPS WH 394; 1994)
O ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Oates, L.R.
- "Nature and Implications of Mudita, The" (in BPS WH 170; 1983)
- Ontl, Petr Karel
- Of Mindsets and Monkeypots(BPS BL 131, 1993)
P ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Perera, H.R.
- "Buddhism in Lanka Sri: A Short History" (WH 100; 1988)
- Phut Thaniyo, Phra Ajaan
- Piyadassi Thera
- Book of Protection (Paritta), The (BPS; 1999)
- "Fact of Impermanence, The" in Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 1, Impermanence (BPS WH 186; 1981)
- Seven Factors of Enlightenment, The (BPS WH 1; 1960)
- Book of Protection (Paritta), The (BPS; 1999)
- Piyatissa Thera
- Elimination of Anger, The (BPS BL 68; 1975)
- Price, Leonard (Nyanasobhano, Bhikkhu)
- Bhikkhu Tissa Dispels Some Doubts (BPS BL 102; 1985)
- Nothing Higher to Live For (BPS BL 124; 1991)
- Radical Buddhism (BPS BL 92; 1982)
- To the Cemetery and Back (BPS BL 96; 1983)
- Two Dialogues on Dhamma (BPS WH 363/364; 1989)
- Prince, T
- Renunciation (BPS BL 36; 1986)
Q ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
R ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
S ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Sao Kantasilo, Phra Ajaan
- See Ajaan Sao's Teaching: A Reminiscence of Phra Ajaan Sao Kantasilo (Ajaan Phut Thaniyo; 1997)
- Sayadaw, Mahasi — see Mahasi Sayadaw
- Sayadaw, Webu — see Webu Sayadaw
- Silacara, Bhikkhu
- Silananda, Sayadaw U
- Benefits of Walking Meditation, The (BPS BL 137; 1995)
- Sim, Phra Ajaan
- Simply So (1995)
- Siriwardhana, Eileen
- Heart Awakened, The (BPS BL 93; 1983)
- Soma Thera
- Kalama Sutta: The Buddha's Charter of Free Inquiry (Soma Thera, tr; with an essay by Bhikkhu Bodhi; BPS WH 8; 1981)
- Removal of Distracting Thoughts, The (BPS WH 21; 1981)
- Way of Mindfulness, The: The Satipatthana Sutta and Its Commentary (BPS; 1999)
- Words Leading to Disenchantment: Two Essays (BPS BL 79; 1978)
- Soni, Dr. R.L.
- Life's Highest Blessings: The Maha Mangala Sutta (revised by Khantipalo Bhikkhu; BPS WH 254; 1987)
- Story, Francis
- Buddhist Meditation (BPS BL 15; 1986)
- Sumana, Samanera
- Going Forth: A Call to Buddhist Monkhood (BPS WH 27; 1983)
- Suwat Suvaco, Phra Ajaan
- Blatantly Clear in the Heart (2001)
- To Comprehend Suffering (2002)
- Disenchantment (2001)
- Fistful of Sand, A (1999)
- Home for the Mind, A (2002)
- Light of Discernment, The (2002)
- Right Attitude (2001)
- Right Concentration (2001)
- Straigthening Out Your Views (2002)
- Strategy of a Peaceful Mind, The (2005)
T ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff)
- Books and sutta anthologies:
- Buddhist Monastic Code, Volume I, The : The Patimokkha Training Rules Translated and Explained (2nd ed.) (2007)
- Buddhist Monastic Code, Volume II, The : The Khandhaka Rules Translated and Explained (2nd ed.) (2007)
- Dhammapada: A Translation (1997)
- Introduction to the Patimokkha Training Rules, An (1994)
- Itivuttaka: This Was Said by the Buddha (1999)
- Karma of Questions, The (2002)
- Meditations: Forty Dhamma Talks (2003)
- Meditations 2 (2006)
- Meditations 3 (2006)
- Mind Like Fire Unbound, The: An Image in the Early Buddhist Discourses (Barre, MA: Dhamma Dana Publications, 1993)
- Noble Strategy (1999)
- Refuge: an Introduction to the Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha (1997)
- Strength Training for the Mind (2007)
- Study Guides
- That the True Dhamma Might Last a Long Time: Readings Selected by King Asoka (1996)
- Wings to Awakening, The: An Anthology from the Pali Canon (1996)
- Essays and Dhamma talks:
- Affirming the Truths of the Heart: The Buddhist Teachings on Samvega & Pasada (1997)
- All About Change (2004)
- Agendas of Mindfulness, The (2002)
- Atthakavagga (Octet Chapter), The: An Introduction (1997)
- Customs of the Noble Ones, The (1999)
- De-perception (2002)
- Economy of Gifts, The (1997)
- Educating Compassion (2006)
- Emptiness (1997)
- Faith in Awakening (2006)
- Five Piles of Bricks: The Khandhas as Burden & Path (2002)
- Freedom from Fear (2002)
- Getting the Message (2006)
- Healing Power of the Precepts, The (1997)
- Integrity of Emptiness, The (2006)
- Jhana not by the Numbers (2005)
- Karma (1997)
- Legends of Somdet Toh (2006)
- Life Isn't Just Suffering (2000)
- Meaning of the Buddha's Awakening, The (1997)
- Nibbana (1996)
- Noble Strategy: Essays on the Buddhist Path (1999)
- No-self or Not-self? (1996)
- Not-self Strategy, The (1993)
- One Tool Among Many: The Place of Vipassana in Buddhist Practice (1998)
- Opening the Door to the Dhamma: Respect in Buddhist Thought & Practice (2001)
- Parayanavagga (The Chapter on the Way to the Far Shore): An Introduction (1997)
- Path of Concentration & Mindfulness, The (1997)
- Practice in a Word, The (2004)
- Purity of Heart (2006)
- Pushing the Limits: Desire & Imagination in the Buddhist Path (2006)
- Questions of Skill (2001)
- Reconciliation, Right & Wrong (2004)
- Right Speech (1999)
- Road to Nirvana is Paved with Skillful Intentions, The (1999)
- Samsara (2002)
- Samsara Divided by Zero (2000)
- Trading Candy for Gold: Renunciation as a Skill (1999)
- Untangling the Present: The Role of Appropriate Attention (2006)
- Upasika Kee Nanayon and the Social Dynamic of Theravadin Buddhist Practice (1995)
- Verb for Nirvana, A (2005)
- Weight of Mountains, The (2001)
- "When you know for yourselves...": The Authenticity of the Pali Suttas (2002)
- Meditation:
- Basic Breath Meditation Instructions (1993)
- De-perception (2002)
- Guided Meditation, A (2001)
- Using Meditation to Deal with Pain, Illness & Death (1993)
- See also Ven. Thanissaro's translations of books by Phra Ajaan Lee, Phra Ajaan Fuang, Upasika Kee Nanayon, Phra Ajaan Thate, and Phra Ajaan Maha Boowa.
- Books and sutta anthologies:
- Thate, Phra Ajaan
- Autobiography of a Forest Monk, The (1996)
- Buddho (1994)
- Steps Along the Path (1994)
U ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- U Ba Khin — see Khin, U Ba
- U Silananda — see Silananda, Sayadaw U
V ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- van Gorkom, Nina
- "Generosity: The Inward Dimension," in Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- Various authors
- Dana: The Practice of Giving (Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed.; BPS WH 367; 1990)
- Buddhist Layman, The (Bogoda/Jootla/Walshe; BPS WH 294; 1982)
- Three Basic Facts of Existence, The: Volume 1, Impermanence (Nyanaponika Thera, ed.; BPS WH 186; 1981)
- von Glasenapp, Helmuth
- Vedanta & Buddhism: A Comparative Study (BPS WH 2; 1978)
W ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Walshe, Maurice O'Connell
- Buddhism and Death (BPS WH 261; 1978)
- Buddhism and Sex (BPS WH 225; 1986)
- "Giving from the Heart," in Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- "Detachment" in Buddhist Layman, The (BPS WH 294; 1982)
- "Having Taken the First Step" in Buddhist Layman, The (BPS WH 294; 1982)
- Samyutta Nikaya: An Anthology (Part III) (BPS WH 318; 1985)
- Webu Sayadaw
- Essential Practice, The: Dhamma Discourses of Venerable Webu Sayadaw (Part I) (BPS WH 375; 1991)
- Essential Practice, The: Dhamma Discourses of Venerable Webu Sayadaw (Part II) (BPS WH 384; 1992)
- To Light a Fire (BPS BL 122; 1990)