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Passage 1

bhuutapubba.m dve akkhadhuttaa akkhehi dibbi.msu. in the past / two / gamblers / with dice / they played Once in the past there were two gamblers who played with dice.
eko akkhadhutto aagataagata.m kali.m gilati. one / gambler / each time it came / unlucky die / he swallows One gambler, whenever he got an unlucky die, swallowed it.
addasaa kho dutiyo akkhadhutto ta.m akkhadhutta.m aagataagata.m kali.m gilanta.m. saw / indeed / second / gambler / this / gambler / each time it came / unlucky die / swallowing The other gambler saw this one swallowing the unlucky die each time it happened.
disvaa akkhadhutta.m etad avoca: having seen / to the gambler / this / he said On seeing that, he said this to that gambler:
tva.m kho samma ekantikena jinaasi, dehi samma akkhe, pajohissaamii ti. you / indeed / friend / conclusively / you win / give / friend / the dice / I shall make a votive offering / (end-quote) "Ah indeed, friend, you win conclusively, give me the dice and I shall make a votive offering."
eva.m sammaa ti kho so akkhadhutto tassa akkhadhuttassa akkhe paadaasi. yes / friend / (end-quote) / this / gambler / to that / gambler / the dice / he handed over "Yes, friend," he said and this gambler handed over the dice to the other.
atha kho so akkhadhutto akkhe visena paribhaavetvaa ta.m akkhadhutta.m etad avoca: then / indeed / this / gambler / the dice / with poison / having treated with / to that / gambler / this / he said Then that gambler treated the dice with poison and said to the other:
ehi kho, samma, akkhehi dibbissaamaa ti. come / indeed / friend / with the dice / let us play / (end-quote) "Come, friend; let us play with the dice."
eva.m sammaa ti kho so akkhadhutto tassa akkhadhuttassa paccassosi. yes / friend / (end-quote) / indeed / this / gambler / to that / gambler / he consented "Yes, friend" this gambler consented to the other.
dutiyampi kho te akkhadhuttaa akkhehi dibbi.msu. for a second time / indeed / these / gamblers / with the dice / they played For a second time, these gamblers played with the dice.
dutiyampi kho so akkhadhutto aagataagata.m kali.m gilati. for a second time / indeed / this / gambler / each time it came / unlucky die / he swallows And again, this gambler, whenever he got an unlucky die, swallowed it.
addasaa kho dutiyo akkhadhutto ta.m akkhadhutta.m dutiyampi aagataagata.m kali.m gilanta.m. saw / indeed / for a second time / the gambler / this / gambler / each time it came / unlucky die / swallowing Again the other gambler saw this one swallowing the unlucky die each time it happened.
disvaa ta.m akkhadhutta.m etad avoca: having seen / to that / gambler / this / he said On seeing this, he said to that gambler:
litta.m paramena tejasaa, gilam akkha.m puriso na bujjhati; smeared / by the highest / potency / swallowing / die / man / not / he knows "The man swallowing the die, smeared with the highest potency, is not aware of it.
gila re gila papa-dhuttaka, swallow / damn you / swallow / wicked-scoundrel Swallow, damn you, swallow, you wicked scoundrel;
pacchaa te ka.tuka.m bhavissatii ti. afterwards / to you / bitterness / there will be / (end-quote) for there will be bitterness for you afterwards."

[D.II.348-9 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).27]

Passage 2 [go up]

bhuutapubba.m raajaa Da.lhanemi naama ahosi cakkavattii dhammiko dhamma-raajaa ... in the past / king / Dalhanemi / named / was / wheel-turning / just / righteous-king Once upon a time there was a wheel-turning, just, and righteous-ruling king named Dalhanemi ...
atha kho raajaa Da.lhanemi vassa-sahassaana.m accayena a~n~natara.m purisa.m aamantesi. then / indeed / king / Dalhanemi / of rains-thousands / after / a certain / man / addressed Then, after thousands of years, King Dalhanemi addressed a certain man as follows.
yadaa tva.m, ambho purisa, passeyyaasi dibba.m cakkaratana.m osakkita.m .thaanaa cuta.m, atha me aaroceyyaasii ti. when / you / sir / man / you would see / divine / wheel-treasure / withdrawn / from place / fallen / then / to me / you should inform / (end-quote) "My good man, when you see the divine wheel-treasure withdrawn and fallen down from its place, then you should inform me."
eva.m devaa ti kho so puriso ra~n~no da.lhanemissa paccassosi. yes / lord / (end-quote) / indeed / this / man / to king / Dalhanemi / assented "Yes, Lord" this man assented to King Dalhanemi.
addasaa kho so puriso vassasahassaana.m accayena dibba.m cakkaratana.m osakkita.m .thaanaa cuta.m. saw / indeed / this / man / of rains-thousands / after / divine / wheel-treasure / withdrawn / from place / fallen After thousands of years this man saw the divine wheel-treasure withdrawn and fallen down from place.
disva yena raajaa Da.lhanemi ten' upasa.mkami, having seen / king / Dalhanemi / to him / he approached On seeing this, he approached King Dalhanemi,
upasa.mkamitvaa raajaana.m Da.lhanemi.m etad avoca: having approached / to king / Dalhanemi / this / he said and drawing near, he said this to him:
yagghe, deva, jaaneyyaasi, dibba.m te cakkaratana.m osakkita.m .thaanaa cutan ti. hear / lord / you should know / divine / of you / wheel-treasure / withdrawn / from place / fallen / (end-quote) "Listen, Lord, you should know that your divine wheel-treasure has withdrawn and fallen from place."
atha kho raajaa Da.lhanemi je.t.tha-putta.m kumaara.m aamantaapetvaa etad avoca: Then / indeed / king Dalhanemi / eldest-son / prince / having called / this / he said Then King Dalhanemi summoned the prince, his eldest son, and said:
dibba.m kira me, taata kumaara, cakkaratana.m osakkita.m .thaanaa cuta.m. divine / it is said / to me / dear son / prince / wheel-treasure / withdrawn / from place / fallen "Apparently, my dear son, the divine wheel-treasure has withdrawn and fallen from place.
suta.m kho pana m' eta.m yassa ra~n~no cakkavattissa dibba.m cakkaratana.m osakkati .thaanaa cavati, heard / indeed / moreover / by me / this / of which / of king / of wheel-turning / divine / wheel-treasure / withdraws / from place / it falls Moreover, I have heard that when the divine wheel-treasure of a wheel-turning monarch withdraws and falls from place,
na daani tena ra~n~naa cira.m jiivitabba.m hotii ti. not / then / to which / king / for along time / to live / it is / (end-quote) then that king does not have long to live.
bhuttaa kho pana me maanusakaa kaamaa, samayo daani me dibbe kaame pariyesitu.m. consumed / indeed / but / by me / human / pleasures / time / then / for me / divine / pleasures / to seek But I have consumed the pleasures of a human, now is the time for me to seek heavenly pleasures.
ehi tva.m taata kumaara ima.m pathavi.m pa.tipajja. come / you / dear / son / this / earth / engage in Come, my dear son, rule this earth.
aha.m pana kesa-massu.m ohaaretvaa kaasaayaani vatthaani acchaadetvaa agaarasmaa anagaariya.m pabbajissaamii ti. I / but / hair-beard / having removed / yellow / robes / having put on / from home / to homelessness / I will go forth / (end-quote) But I will shave off my hair and beard, put on the yellow robes, and go forth from home to homelessness."
atha kho raajaa Da.lhanemi je.t.thaputta.m kumaara.m saadhuka.m rajje samanusaasitvaa then / indeed / king / Dalhanemi / eldest-son / prince / thoroughly / of the kingdom / having well instructed Then King Dalhanemi instructed his eldest son, the prince, thoroughly in the ways of the kingdom,
kesa-massu.m ohaaretvaa kaasaayaani vatthaani acchaadetvaa agaarasmaa anagaariya.m pabbaji. hair-beard / having removed / yellow / robes / having put on / from home / to homelessness / he went forth shaved off his hair and beard, put on the yellow robes, and went forth from home to homelessness.
sattaaha-pabbajite kho pana raaj-isimhi dibba.m cakkaratana.m antaradhaayi. on the seven-days-going forth / indeed / moreover / king-sage / divine / wheel-treasure / disappeared Moreover, when the royal sage had been gone forth seven days, the divine wheel-treasure disappeared.
atha kho a~n~nataro puriso yena raajaa khattiyo ten' upasa.mkami, then / indeed / a certain / man / to which / king / warrior / to him / he approached Then a certain man approached the warrior king,
upasa.mkamitvaa raajaana.m khattiya.m etad avoca: having approached / to the king / warrior / this / he said and drawing near he said to him:
yagghe, deva, jaaneyyaasi, dibba.m cakkaratana.m antarahitan ti. Listen / lord / you should know / divine / wheel-treasure / disappeared / (end-quote) "Listen, Lord, you should know that the divine wheel-treasure has disappeared."
atha kho raajaa khattiyo dibbe cakkaratane antarahite anattamano ahosi. then / indeed / king / warrior / by the divine / wheel-treasure / disappearance / not pleased / was Then the warrior king was indeed troubled by the disappearance of the divine wheel-treasure.
so yena raajisi ten' upasa.mkami, upasa.mkamitvaa raajisi.m etad avoca: he / to which / royal sage / there / he approached / having approached / to the royal sage / this / he said He approached the royal sage, and drawing near he said to him:
yagghe, deva, jaaneyyaasi, dibba.m cakkaratana.m antarahitan ti. Listen / lord / you should know / divine / wheel-treasure / disappeared / (end-quote) "Listen, Lord, you should know that the divine wheel-treasure has disappeared."
eva.m vutte raajisi raajaana.m khattiya.m etad avoca: thus / said / royal sage / to the king / warrior / this / he said When this was said, the royal sage said to the warrior king:
maa kho tva.m taata dibbe cakkaratane antarahite anattamano ahosi. not / indeed / your / my dear son / by the divine / wheel-treasure / disappearance / not pleased / you be "Do not, my dear son, be saddened by the disappearance of the divine wheel-treasure.
na hi te taata dibba.m cakkaratana.m pettika.m daayajja.m. not / for / of you / my dear son / divine / wheel-treasure / paternal / inheritance For the divine wheel-treasure is not your paternal inheritance.
i"ngha tva.m taata ariye cakkavatti-vatte vattaahi. here / you / my dear son / by the noble / in wheel-turning-conduct / conduct yourself Now, my dear son, you should conduct yourself as a wheel-turning monarch.
.thaana.m kho pan' eta.m vijjati yan te dibba.m cakkaratana.m paatubhavissatii ti. case / indeed / moreover / this / is found / which for you / divine / wheel-treasure / will appear / (end-quote) Moreover, it may be the case that a divine wheel-treasure will appear for you."
katama.m pan' eta.m deva ariya.m cakkavatti-vattan ti. which / then / this / lord / noble / wheel-turning conduct / (end-quote) "What, lord, is the noble conduct of a wheel-turning monarch?"
tena hi tva.m taata dhamma.m yeva nissaaya dhamma.m maanento dhamma.m puujento by this / indeed / you / dear one / Dhamma / just you / depending on / Dhamma / honoring / Dhamma / revering "Just this, my dear one, depending on the Dhamma yourself, honoring and revering it,
dhammika.m sa.mvidahassu khattiyesu anuyuttesu negama-jaanapadesu sama.nabraahma.nesu miga-pakkhiisu. righteous / safety-shelter-protection / provide / for warriors / for vassals / for Brahmin householders / for town and country dwellers / for ascetics and Brahmins / for animals and birds you should provide righteous safety, shelter, and protection for your warriors, vassals, Brahmin householders, town and country dwellers, ascetics and Brahmins, animals and birds.
maa ca te taata vijite adhamma-kaaro pavattittha. do not / and / your / dear one / in the kingdom / not righteous-doer / cause to happen And, my dear one, do not let the criminal prevail in your kingdom,
ye ca te taata vijite adhanaa assu, tesa~n ca dhanam anuppadeyyaasi. to which / and / your / dear one / in the kingdom / poor / there may be, to these / and / wealth / grant and, my dear one, grant wealth to those who are poor in your kingdom,
ye ca te taata vijite sama.nabraahma.naa mada-ppamaadaa pa.tivirataa, to which / and / your / dear one / in the kingdom / ascetics and Brahmins / pride and laziness / abstained and, my dear one, to those ascetics and Brahmins in your kingdom who have abstained from pride and laziness,
te kaalena kaala.m upasa.mkamitvaa paripuccheyyaasi: to you / from time / to time / having approached / you should ask advice you should approach them from time to time and seek advice:
ki.m bhante kusala.m ki.m akusala.m, what / reverend sir / wholesome / what / unwholesome 'Reverend sir, what is wholesome and what is unwholesome,
ki.m me kariiyamaana.m diigharatta.m ahitaaya dukkhaaya assa, what / to me / doing / for a long time / to non-welfare / to suffering / it may be and what action will lead to my harm and suffering for a long time,
ki.m vaa pana me kariiyamaana.m diigharatta.m hitaaya sukhaaya assaa ti. what / or/ moreover / to me / doing / for a long time / to welfare / to happiness / it may be / (end-quote) and, moreover, what action will lead to my welfare and happiness for a long time?'
tesa.m sutvaa ya.m akusala.m ta.m abhinivajjeyyaasi, to them / having listened / which / unwholesome / that / you should avoid Having listened to them, you should avoid that which is unwholesome,
ya.m kusala.m ta.m samaadaaya vatteyyaasi. which / wholesome / that / for conforming / you should conduct and you should conduct yourself according to the wholesome.
ida.m kho taata ta.m ariya.m cakkavatti-vattan ti. this / indeed / dear one / that / noble / wheel-turning monarch conduct / (end-quote) Indeed this, my dear one, is how a wheel-turning monarch should behave."
eva.m devaa ti kho raajaa khattiyo raajisissa pa.tissutvaa ariye cakkavatti-vatte vatti. yes / lord / (end-quote) / indeed / king / warrior / to the royal sage / having assented / in noble / in wheel-turning monarch conduct / he behaved "Yes, lord," the warrior king assented to the royal sage, and he conducted himself in the noble duty of a wheel-turning monarch.
tassa ariye cakkavatti-vatte vattamaanassa dibba.m cakkaratana.m paaturahosi. to him / with noble / wheel-turning monarch conduct / behaving / divine / wheel-treasure / appeared And so the divine wheel-treasure appeared to him as he behaved as a noble wheel-turning monarch.
disvaa ra~n~no khattiyassa etad ahosi: having seen / to the king / to the warrior / thus / it was: On seeing this, the warrior king thought:
suta.m kho pana m' eta.m: heard / indeed / now / by me / this "Now I have heard it said that
yassa ra~n~no khattiyassa dibba.m cakkaratana.m paatubhavati, so hoti cakkavattii ti. to which / king / warrior / divine / wheel-treasure / it appears / he / is / wheel-turning monarch / (end-quote) a warrior king to whom a divine wheel-treasure appears will become a wheel-turning monarch.
assa.m nu kho aha.m raajaa cakkavattii ti. may I be / is it not / indeed / I / king / wheel-turning monarch / (end-quote) May I be such a wheel-turning monarch."
atha kho ta.m cakkaratana.m puratthima.m disa.m pavatti, then / indeed / this / wheel-treasure / east / direction / it turned Then indeed this wheel-treasure turned towards the east,
anvad eva raajaa cakkavattii saddhi.m catura"nginiyaa senaaya. after / thus / king / wheel-turning monarch / with / fourfold / army and the wheel-turning monarch followed with his fourfold army.
yasmi.m kho pana padese cakkaratana.m pati.t.thaasi, in which / indeed / but / in the region / wheel-treasure / it stopped Further, in whatever region the wheel-treasure stopped,
tattha raajaa cakkavattii vaasa.m upagacchi saddhi.m catura"nginiyaa senaaya. there / king / wheel-turning monarch / camp / came to / with / fourfold / army there the wheel-turning monarch camped with his fourfold army.
ye kho pana puratthimaaya disaaya pa.tiraajaano, those / indeed / moreover / in the east / direction / enemy kings Moreover, those enemy kings in the east
te raajaana.m cakkavatti.m upasa.mkamitvaa evam aaha.msu: these / king / wheel-turning monarch / having approached / thus / they said approached the wheel-turning monarch and said:
ehi kho mahaaraaja, svaagata.m te mahaaraaja, come / indeed / great king / welcome / to you / great king "Come, great king, you are welcome, great king,
saka.m te mahaaraaja, anusaasa mahaaraajaa ti. own / to you / great king / rule / great king / (end-quote) it's all yours, great king, rule us great king."
raajaa cakkavattii evam aaha: king / wheel-turning monarch / thus / said The wheel-turning monarch then said: na hantabbo. adinna.m n' aadaatabba.m. living being / not / to be killed / not given / not / to be taken "Do not kill living beings. Do not take what is not given.
kaamesu micchaa na caritabbaa. musaa na bhaasitabbaa. of the senses / wrong / not / to behave / false / not / to be spoken Do not misbehave sexually. Do not speak falsely.
majja.m na paatabba.m. yathaabhutta~n ca bhu~njathaa ti. Intoxicant / not / to be drunk / whatever ought to be eaten / and / eat / (end-quote) Do not drink intoxicants. And eat in moderation."
ye kho pana puratthimaaya disaaya pa.tiraajaano, those / indeed / but / in the east / direction / enemy kings Then those enemy kings in the east
te ra~n~no cakkavattissa anuyantaa ahesu.m. ... to this / king / wheel-turning monarch / submitting / they were submitted to this wheel-turning monarch. ...
... disa.m pavatti. pe. south / direction / it turned / etc. ... turned towards the south, etc.
pacchima.m. pe. west / etc. ... west, etc.
uttara.m. pe. north / etc. ... north, etc.
ye kho pana uttaraaya disaaya pa.tiraajaano, those / indeed / but / in the north / direction / enemy kings Then those enemy kings in the north
te ra~n~no cakkavattissa anuyantaa ahesu.m. to this / king / wheel-turning monarch / submitting / they were submitted to this wheel-turning monarch.

[D.III.59-63 (not III.59-62 as per book) — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).2-7]

Pali into English [go up] va se.t.tho Brahmin / indeed / best / class Indeed the Brahmin is the highest class. [D.III.81 — xxvii.(Agga~n~na).3]
purisena purisa.m karitvaa khattiyaa va se.t.thaa hiinaa braahma.naa with a man / man / having compared / Khattiyas / indeed / better / lesser / Brahmins Comparing one man with another, the khattiyas are superior and the Brahmins inferior. [D.I.98 — iii.(Amba.t.tha).1.26]
na c'etarahi vijjati a~n~no vaa vaa bhagavataa bhiyyo 'bhi~n~nataro not / and / now / is found / another / ascetic / or / Brahmin / or / from the Blessed One / better / more learned And now there does not exist another ascetic or Brahmin more learned than the Blessed One. [D.III.99 — xxviii.(Sampasaadaniiya).1]
ti.nhena satthena siisa.m chindati by a sharp / sword / head / he cuts He cuts off the head with a sharp sword. [D.I.56 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).26]
na odana-kummaasa.m bhu~njeyya.m not / boiled rice / junket / I would eat I would not eat boiled rice junket. [D.III.9 — xxiv.(Paatika).1.11]
aggo 'ham asmi lokassa, je.t.tho 'ham asmi lokassa, se.t.tho 'ham asmi lokassa top / I / am / of the world / most senior / I / am / of the world / best / I / am / of the world / I am the topmost, the most senior, and the best in the world. [D.II.15 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).1.29]
na maya.m ito bhiyyo pajaanaama not / we / from this / better / we know We do not know anything better than this. [D.III.52 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).19]
ida.m hiina.m, ida.m pa.niita.m this / inferior / this / superior This is inferior, this is superior. [D.II.223 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).7]
sa~n~naa nu kho bhante pathama.m uppajjati pacchaa, udaahu pa.thama.m uppajjati pachaa sa~n`naa, udaahu sa~n~na ca ca apubba.m acarima.m uppajjanti perception / is it / indeed / reverend sir / first / arises / afterwards / knowledge / or / first / knowledge / arises / afterwards / perception / or / perception / and / knowledge / and / not before / not later / they arise Reverend sir, does perception arise first and then knowledge, or does knowledge arise first and then perception, or do perception and knowledge arise simultaneously? [D.I.185 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).20]

English into Pali [go up]

Once the fortunate one was living among the Koliyas. eka.m samaya.m / bhagavaa / viharati / Ko.liyesu eka.m samaya.m bhagavaa Ko.liyesu viharati.
Then Punna, a Koliyan, a bovine, and a naked ascetic Seniya, a canine, atha kho / / Ko.liyaputto / govatiko / ca / acelo / Seniyo / kukkuravatiko atha kho ca Ko.liyaputto govatiko acelo Seniyo kukkuravatiko
approached this way towards the fortunate one. upasa.mkami.msu / yena / tena / bhagavantaa yena bhagavaa ten' upasa.mkami.msu.
Having approached, Punna the Koliyan who was a bovine, having saluted the fortunate one, sat down to one side. upasa.mkamitvaa / / Ko.liyaputto / govatiko / abhivaadetvaa / bhagavanta.m / nisiidi / eka.m / anta.m upasa.mkamitvaa Ko.liyaputto govatiko bhagavanta.m abhivaadetvaa ekamanta.m nisiidi.
The naked ascetic Seniya, however, the canine, exchanged greetings with the fortunate one; acelo / Seniyo / pana / kukkuravatiko / sammodi / saddhi.m / bhagavataa acelo pana Seniyo kukkuravatiko bhagavataa saddhi.m sammodi;
having made agreeable polite conversation, squatting like a dog, he sat down to one side. viitisaaretvaa / sammodaniiya.m / saaraa.niiya.m / katha.m / palikujjitvaa / iva / kukkuro / nisiidi / eka.m / anta.m sammodaniiya.m katha.m saaraa.niiya.m viitisaaretvaa kukkuro 'va palikujjitvaa ekamanta.m nisiidi.
Punna the Koliyan bovine, seated to one side, said this to the fortunate one: / Ko.liyaputto / govatiko / nisinno / (kho) / eka.m / anta.m / avoca / etad / bhagavanta.m ekamanta.m nisinno kho Ko.liyaputto govatiko bhagavanta.m etad avoca:
"Sir, this naked ascetic Seniya is a canine, a doer-of-hard-tasks; bhante / aya.m / acelo / Seniyo / kukkuravatiko / dukkara-kaarako aya.m bhante acelo Seniyo kukkuravatiko dukkarakaarako.
He eats what is thrown on the ground. bhu~njati / chamaa-nikkhitta.m chamaanikkhitta.m bhu~njati.
He has long conformed to that dog-vow. tassa / samatta.m / diigharatta.m / / ta.m / kukkuravata.m tassa ta.m kukkuravata.m diigharatta.m samatta.m,
What will be his future state?" kaa / gati / tassa / ko / abhisamparaayo / (iti) tassa kaa gati ko abhisamparaayo ti.
"Enough, Punna, don't bother with this. Don't ask me this." ala.m / / ti.t.thate / ta.m / maa / pucchi / ma.m / eta.m / (iti) ala.m, ti.t.thate ta.m. maa ma.m eta.m pucchiiti.
For a second time ... etc. ... dutiyampi / ... / pe / ... dutiyampi ... pe ...
For a third time ... etc. ... tatiyampi / ... / pe / ... tatiyampi ... pe ...
"... Nevertheless I will explain to you. api ca / (kho) / aha.m / byaakarissaami / te api ca kho tyaaha.m byaakarissaami.
In this connection, Punna, someone develops the dog-vow perfectly ... idha / / ekacco / bhaaveti / kukkuravata.m / / ... idha, ekacco kukkuravata.m bhaaveti ...
Having developed the dog-vow perfectly, having developed the virtue-of-a-dog perfectly, bhaavetvaa / kukkura-vata.m / / bhaavetvaa / kukkura-siila.m / kukkuravata.m bhaavetvaa, kukkurasiila.m bhaavetvaa,
having developed the mind-of-a-dog perfectly, having developed the style-of-a-dog perfectly, bhaavetvaa / kukkura-citta.m / / bhaavetvaa / kukkura-kappa.m / kukkuracitta.m bhaavetvaa, kukkuraakappa.m bhaavetvaa,
after death he is reborn in the condition of dogs. param-mara.naa / so / upapajjati / sahavyata.m / kukkuraana.m so parammara.naa kukkuraana.m sahavyata.m upapajjati.
But if he has the opinion: pana / sace / (kho) / eva.m / hoti / di.t.thi / assa sace kho panassa eva.m di.t.thi hoti:
'By this virtue or vow I shall be a god,' imina / siilena / vaa / vatena / vaa / aha.m / bhavissaami / devo / (iti) iminaaha.m siilena vaa vatena vaa devo bhavissaamiiti
that is his wrong-opinion." sa / hoti / assa / micchaa-di.t.thi / (iti) saassa hoti micchaadi.t.thiiti.

[M.I.387-8 — lvii.(Kukkuravatika).1-3]