Don't associate with lowly qualities.
Don't consort with heedlessness.
Don't associate with wrong views.
Don't busy yourself with the world.

Get up! Don't be heedless.
Live the Dhamma well.
One who lives the Dhamma
	sleeps with ease
in this world & the next.

Live the Dhamma well.
Don't live it badly.
One who lives the Dhamma
	sleeps with ease
in this world & the next.

See it  as a bubble,
see it  as a mirage:
one who regards the world this way
the King of Death doesn't see.

Come look at this world
all decked out
like a royal chariot,
where fools plunge in,
while those who know
	don't cling.

Who once was heedless,
but later is not,
	brightens the world
	like the moon set free from a cloud.
His evil-done deed
is replaced with skillfulness:
	he brightens the world
	like the moon set free from a cloud.

Blinded this world —
how few here see clearly!
Just as birds who've escaped
	from a net are
	few, few
	are the people
who make it to heaven.

Swans fly the path of the sun;
those with the power fly through space;
the enlightened flee from the world,
having defeated the armies of Mara.

The person who tells a lie,
who transgresses in this one thing,
transcending concern for the world beyond:
	there's no evil
	he might not do.

No misers go
to the world of the devas.
Those who don't praise giving
	       are fools.
The enlightened
express their approval for giving
	and so find ease
	in the world beyond.

Sole dominion over the earth,
going to heaven,
lordship over all worlds:
	the fruit of stream-entry
	excels them.