Class Notes

  1. SM106 - Computer Literacy and Skills

    Class Hour: Thursday 2 pm - 5 pm


    Vermaat, Misty E. Discovering Computers 2017. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.

    Course Requirements

    Students require to read the assigned textbook before joining the class (Each week read one chapter of the textbook).

    Exams: There will be one in-class midterm and a final exam.

    Assignments: There will be four assignments.

  2. Theory of Buddhist Meditation: From Early Buddhism to Early Mahāyāna

    Lecturer Dr. Fa Qing
    Monday 2-5pm

    Course Description

    A study of Buddhist meditation as an integral part of the Buddhist religious doctrine which is directed to mental purification and liberation. The study will involve Buddhist meditational practices in the Early Buddhism (Pāli Nikāya and Chinese Āgama), Theravāda, Sarvāstivāda and Early Mahāyāna, the therapeutic effects and psychological aspects of Buddhist meditation, and the higher reaches of mind in Jhanic experience and their relevance to Buddhist spiritual life.

  3. SK301 Sanskrit:Grammar and Syntax I (梵文语法 I)

    Subject: SK301 Sanskrit: Grammar and Syntax I

    Course Hours: 星期三下午 2-5




    1. 吴汝韵,编译,《梵文入门》台北:弥勒出版社,1984年。 英文原版:Hart, Geogre L. A Rapid Sanskrit Method . Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984.

    2. KL Dhammajoti. Reading Buddhist Sanskrit Texts: An Elementary Grammatical Guide. Hong Kong: the Centre of Buddhist Studies the University of Hong Kong, 2015.



  4. 佛学特别课题:禅修理论—早期佛教到早期大乘佛教

    更新: 登錄後下載第4-6講義。


    1. “四念處”是佛教禪修基礎,請討論。

    2.  概述“入出息念”在《入出息念經》和《清淨道論》中的修行方法。

    3. 討論“不淨觀”在一切有部中的發展。

    4. 試討論早期經典中“念佛”的方法和利益。

    5. 試討論“慈悲”觀的修習和意義。

    6. “入出息念”修行方法在《阿毘達摩》中的發展。


    MC6210 佛學特別課題:禪修理論—早期佛教到早期大乘佛教 3(3-0-6)
    講師: Dr. Fa Qing

  5. 大乘佛教典籍 (MC6209)

    Master of Arts (Buddhist Studies) 硕士学位课程
    科 目:大乘佛教典籍  课程代码:MC6209  学 分:3




  6. ME6215 - Chinese Buddhist Thought: A Historical Perspective

    Required Textbook:
    Ch’en, Kenneth. Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1964.

    Weekly Reading Articles:

    • 1.Fung, Yu-Lan. “The Spirit of Chinese Philosophy,” A Short History of Chinese Philosophy. (ed. Derk Bodde). New York: Macmillan, 1966. pp1-15.
    • 2.Kenneth K. Inada. “The Chinese Doctrinal Acceptance of Buddhism.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy, vol 24:1 (1991), PP. 5-17.
  7. CB403 - School of Chinese Buddhism II: Tian Tai School

    Course Description:
    This study is designed to enable the students to gain a general knowledge of the fundamental teachings of the T'ien T'ai (Tian Tai) School of China and the Tendai School of Japan. It will make a historical survey of the developments within the school and the influence it exerted on the subsequent schools of Buddhist thought, both in China and Japan.

    Required Textbook:

    - Hurvitz, Leon. "Chih-i (538-597): An Introduction to the Life and Ideas of a Chinese Monk." Melanges Chinoises et Bouddhiques 12 (1962): 1-372.

  8. SMT 101 Special Topic - Open Source: Linux and Web Development

    SMT 101 Special Topic – Open Source: Linux and Web Development
    Wednesday: 2 pm-5 pm,Final exam: February 24, 2pm-4pm, 2010.

    Course Description:
    A study of the Open Source Operation systems and Web Applications and their roles for Buddhism. The course will be divided into two sections: Section one will focus on Linux Operation System, Open source applications; Section two will focus on Linux Server and Open source web Content Management Systems (CMS).

    Course Requirements:

  9. ME6213: Śūnyatā Doctrine in Nāgārjuna's Mūla-madhyamaka-kārikā

    The Śūnyatā Doctrine in Nāgārjuna's Mūla-madhyamaka-kārikā
    3 (3-0-6), 1:30pm-4:30pm, Friday, Classroom (2)

    Course Description:
    The course is designed to give an understanding of historical and philosophical significance of the Madhyamaka system of Nāgārjuna. The emphasis will be on understanding the philosophy of emptiness by reading the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā of Nāgārjuna.

    The course will be roughly divided into three sections:
    a. The doctrinal background of Madhyamaka philosophy its history in brief;
    b. Study of Kārikās: a study of selected chapters; and

  10. 硕士学位课程:禅宗概论

    科 目:禅宗概论 课程代码:CB6219C/MC6219 学分:3
    授课老师: Prof. Bai Yu Guo 白玉国教授





    1. 电子书《禅宗宗派源流》, (Linux 用户,请用ChmSee 阅读。)


    1 禅宗大意(必读): 01Chan_Introduction_required.doc 265 KB