
  1. Namo Buddhāya Gurave

    Abstracted from facebook video August 11, 2018

    Courage and Compassion in the 21st Century - Vidyaloke Talks: His Holiness the Dalai Lama's talks organized by Vidyaloke in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on August 11-12, 2018.


    namo buddhāya gurave
    namo dharmāya tāyine |
    namaḥ saṅghāya mahate
    tribhyo ’pi satataṁ namaḥ ||
    Homage to the Buddha, the Teacher,
    Homage to the Dharma, the Protector,
    Homage to the Saṅgha, the Great;
    To all the three, always homage!

  2. Prajñāpāramitā hṛdaya sūtraṃ

    Abstracted from facebook video August 11, 2018:

    Courage and Compassion in the 21st Century - Vidyaloke Talks: His Holiness the Dalai Lama's talks organized by Vidyaloke in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on August 11-12, 2018. On the first day His Holiness will speak on "Courage and Compassion in the 21st Century". On the second day he will speak on "Indian Wisdom in the Modern World".

  3. MP3: Mahayana Buddhism (Dr. Peter Della Santina)

    Section One: Origins of Mahayana
    Mp3: Mahayana01.mp3-Mahayana04.mp3

    ==========Section Two: Mahayana Literature
    Mahayana 5
    Mahayana 6 Lotus Sutra

    Mahayana 7 Lotus Sutra

    Mahayana 9 (1:07:14): Mahayana Literature--Lotus Sutra

    The first 33 minues: Mrs. Santina reads the lotus sutra on the Chapter 16 and 3rd chapter.

    Assinment: 2000 word essay.

    45: Explain nirvana

    Mahayana 10 (1:09:53): Mahayana Literature--Prajnaparamita Sutra
    Prajnaparamita Literature
    Heart sutra

  4. 《缘起法颂》梵文唱颂

    唱颂者:Vidya Rao女士

    缘起法颂:佛教的五比丘之一——马胜(Aśvajit)在王舍城路遇六师外道之一散若· 毗罗梨子的弟子舍利弗(Śāriputra),向其介绍自己佛陀的学说,诵出著名的“缘起法颂”,也称“缘起偈”,表明释迦牟尼的教法属于与婆罗门相对抗的沙门阵营,主张一切现象有生有灭皆赖因缘,而不归于第一因神创,或恒常不灭的梵我本体。舍利弗深有感悟,遂同好友目犍连(Maudgalyāyana)率其徒众在竹林精舍皈依了佛陀,而后二人成为佛陀的重要弟子,而“缘起法颂”后来被视作佛陀教法的最精要概括,称为“法身偈”,意即有此偈颂之处即有佛之法身(dharmakāya),因此常铭刻于佛像塔庙之上或装藏于其中。





    Ye dharmā hetuprabhavā
    hetuṃ teṣāṃ tathāgato hy avadat
    teṣāṃ ca yo nirodha
    evaṃvādī mahāśramaṇaḥ //