Academic Dishonesty
Cheating at examination and other forms of academic dishonesty is not tolerated as this would harm the reputation of IBC as a Buddhist academic institution of higher learning, and also affect the credibility and creditability of the standards and practices of teaching and learning at IBC and its quality assurance. Rules on Examination and the Penalty for Academic Dishonesty are as follows: Penalty for academic dishonesty
- Academic dishonesty such as cheating at examination when caught for the first time, the student will be given an ‘F’ or ‘fail’ in that subject.
- Caught cheating at examination for the second time, the student will be recommended for suspension for one whole semester (meaning the whole semester’s studies would not be credited).
- Caught cheating at examination for the third time, the student will be recommended for expulsion from IBC
. Preventive measures Rules to be observed at any examination are to be immediately implemented by all concerned:
- Instructors/examiners/invigilators has to remind the students about the rules of examination before each examination;
- At least two persons/invigilators (one examiner and one invigilator) should be present in any examination;
- Students will be assigned seats by the examiner or invigilator;
- Answer sheets distributed to the students should be signed by the examiner/invigilator.
- Students must show their identity cards before signing their attendance.
- Students can bring only pens (black or blue ink ) and a ruler, and nothing else into the examination room.
- Students are not allowed to leave the examination room throughout the whole duration of the examination. Under normal circumstances, students are allowed to leave the examination only after they have finished their examination and handed in their answer scripts.
- Communication of any form (verbal or material exchange, etc) among the students in the examination room is strictly prohibited.
Rules on Examination The penalty for academic dishonesty, specifically cheating at examination, would be effected from February 20, 2008 onwards. These will be written and posted on notice board, and distributed to each student and instructor so that there is common understanding of the gravity of offence of academic dishonesty and the importance and value attached to academic integrity.