IBC Library Barcode Printing System

Korat Campus Barcode will start from 10439 [ Noted by Jointu -Date: 24/12/2013 ]

Next Korat Campus Barcode started: 10,340 for all books.

Suggest for IBC Sadao Campus, Barcode starts with B7000 etc for Buddhist Books. T000 for Thai books. C000 for Chinese books. S1000 for non-buddhist books.

IBC Library Barcode System Documentary

Code Type:

Code 39 (FULL ASCII)

Chinese Libary Start with prefic C
Unselect Crop marks
unselect Checksum

Human-Readable Text:
Font Arial
Size: 10
Select Use human-readable text

Size: W 52.19
h 12.01

Line width ratio: 3.00

Interchaharacter spacing 1

Printing Folder

Code Settings
Rows 20
Columns 4
Bar width reductioon 0
Copies 2

Unselect Print Labels

The best way to save paper:
One time can print 80 codes, if two copies, need A4 two pages.
First time:
8001 - 8040