SM106 - Computer Literacy and Skills
Class Hour: Thursday 2 pm - 5 pm
Vermaat, Misty E. Discovering Computers 2017. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
Course Requirements
Students require to read the assigned textbook before joining the class (Each week read one chapter of the textbook).
Exams: There will be one in-class midterm and a final exam.
Assignments: There will be four assignments.
Assignment 1: "If you want to buy a new computer now, what kind of computer you should buy?" Use your knowledge to find one at Internet shop, and write the reasons why you choose that computer and give web link to that computer.
Assignment 2: "Install a Unicode romanized Sanskrit fonts in your system and type one short Pali sutta (one page only) in LibreOffice/Openoffice".
Assignment 3. "Format a Long Document in Libreoffice or Openoffice".
Assignment 4. "Find out 5 websites for Buddhist studies". Give each website a short introduction.
Project: There will be one project, chose anyone below:
- Install Ubuntu Linux of your computer
- install libreoffice and learn how to use it