New Ebooks

The latest ebooks added to the E-Library

Rise and Decline of Buddhism in India

An attempt has been made in this work to present in a detailed and comprehensive manner the rise, the development of Buddhism in different parts of lndia and its decline. Although a good number of monographs have appeared on Buddhism, but there is no single work which presents a connected account of different aspects of Buddhism, its rise, its progress in various parts of India under the patronage of several dynastic rulers and then its decline in ancient India. I have tried to make a critical study of the subject with the help of all available sources.

Text, History, and Philosophy: Abhidharma across Buddhist Scholastic Traditions

Dessein, Bart and Weijen Teng. ed. Text, History, and Philosophy: Abhidharma across Buddhist Scholastic Traditions. Boston : Brill, 2016.


Abhidharmic Elements in Gandhāran Mahāyāna Buddhism: Groups of Four and the abhedyaprasādas in the Bajaur Mahāyāna Sūtra 47 by Andrea Schlosser and Ingo

The Contribution of Saṃghabhadra to Our Understanding ofAbhidharma Doctrines 223 by KL Dhammajoti

Pratītyasamutpāda in the Translations of An Shigao and the Writings of His Chinese Followers 248 by Eric M. Greene





一九九六年春,美国的包卓立(William Bodri)先生,向南师怀瑾先生提出佛法修证过程中的诸多问题,而引起了一连数月的谈论对话。这两本集子,就是那次对话的记录。

包卓立深感美国人士学佛学密,良师难遇,困难重重,他对当时在美国流行的一本有关密宗修拙火记录的书(The Kundalini Experience),颇有疑问,故而特别请教南师讲解并评论这本美国修拙火定书中的问题。


Common Buddhist Text

This 433-page anthology of extracts from the Buddhist scriptures includes texts from the Theravāda, Mahāyāna, and Vajrayāna traditions arranged thematically under headings such as "Different Perspectives on the Buddha", "Society and Human Relationships" and "Meditation", enabling the reader to compare what different strands of the Buddhist tradition have had to say on key questions.

Brahmapundit, Phra. Common Buddhist Text: Guidance and Insight from the Buddha. Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Press, 2018.

Seeing Through Zen

John R. McRæ. Seeing Through Zen:  Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism. University of California Press Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. 2004

Buddhist Theology

Jackson, Roger and John Makransky. edit. Buddhist Theology: Critical
Reflections by Contemporary Buddhist Scholars
. Richmond: Curzon Press,


帕奧禪師,《正念之道: 大念處經析解與問答》弟子合譯。泰國國際佛教大學 2017 PDF 版<>

1. 用 Unicode 字體,
2. 在“大念處經析解”中, 補充了:“入出息念”部分,
3. 刪除“四威儀”重復部分, 加了部分小標題

Loving-kindness Meditation in Sarvāstivāda and Early Mahāyāna Tradition

International Conference on Buddhist Meditation Practices, namely, “Buddhist Spiritual Living: An Analysis of the Brahmavihāra as Theory, Practice and Application”
on 20th to 21st, December, 2016,
at International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University,
Yangon, Myanmar.


願生淨土之人,誰不希求決定往生! 然而,如何是決定往生之道?一般人都習慣於向自身尋找,但這畢竟如 緣木求魚,蒸沙求飯;南轅而北轍,愈求而愈遠。 阿彌陀佛,早在永劫之前,身為法藏菩薩之時,即為我等十方罪苦眾生 發大誓願,建立淨土;同時須令十方造罪無善之輩易得往生,誓言: 若我成佛,十方眾生,稱我名號,下至十聲,若不生者,不取正覺。 即是以超世弘願為我等開闢決定往生之道;復經永劫之間苦修,願力成 就而成為南無阿彌陀佛,無窮之願力凝成六字之名號,從十萬億剎外之極樂 界,以無礙光明直爾延伸到我等面前。當知:此「南無阿彌陀佛」六字,即 是娑婆我等前往極樂之唯一通道;所謂決定往生之道,唯此 一真實,無二亦 無三。善導和尚稱之為「願力之白道」。

編 者 序

Donors of Longmen: Faith, Politics, and Patronage in Medieval Chinese Buddhis Sculpture

Donors of Longmen is the first work in a Western language to re-create the history of the Longmen Grottoes, one of China's great stone sculpture treasure houses. Longmen, a UNESCO World Heritage site located near the old capital of Luoyang in modern Henan Province, consists of thousands of ancient cave chapels and shrines containing Buddhist icons of all sizes that were carved into the towering limestone cliffs from the fifth to the eighth centuries.

Nirvana: Concept, Imagery, Narative

The idea of nirvaṇa (Pāli: nibbāna) is alluring but elusive for nonspecialists and specialists alike. Offering his own interpretation of key texts, Steven Collins explains the idea in a new, accessible way – as a concept, as an image (metaphor) and as an element in the process of narrating both linear and cyclical time. Exploring nirvana from literary and philosophical perspectives, he argues that it has a specific role: to provide ‘the sense of an ending’ in both the systematic and the narrative thought of the Pāli imaginaire.

Analytical Buddhism: The Two-Tiered Illusion of Self

It is not unusual for Western philosophers to deny existence to the 'self': that unified, separate, persisting thinker/owner/agent that we take ourselves to be. Following Hume and James, such philosophers have denied the self existence by treating as illusory its supposed unity and unbroken persistence. These qualities are deemed mere fictions, borne from imagination (etc.) acting upon a bundle of discrete thoughts, feelings and perceptions.

Mindfulness Bliss and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook

Meditation: it's not just a way to relax, or to deal with life's problems. Done correctly, it can be a way to radically encounter bliss and to begin - and sustain - real transformation in ourselves. ...

How to cite this document (a suggested style):

Ajahn Brahm. Mindfulness Bliss and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook. Boston: Wisdom Publication, 2006.

An Alternative and Special Education on Man and Society with Special reference to ASEAN Economic Community

Abhayawansa, Kapila. "An Alternative and Special Education on Man and Society with Special reference to ASEAN Economic Community." the Symposium under the Theme of An Alternative and Special Education Emphasizing Man and His Society in Building an ASEAN Economic Community held in Nakhonratchasima Rajaphat University – August 14, 2013





  1. 李志夫《摩訶止觀之研究》(上)法鼓文化事業股份有限公司,2001。
  2. 李志夫《摩訶止觀之研究》(下)法鼓文化事業股份有限公司,2001。
  3. 潘桂明《智顗评传》南京大学出版社,1996。
  4. 新田雅章著,涂玉盏译《天台哲学入门》台北东大图书股份有限公司,2003年。
  5. 曾其海《摩诃止观论要》北京:宗教文化出版社,2010.


Research Papers for WBU, International Conference on “Buddhist Studies in Contemporary World” Bangkok, Dec. 14

WBU, International Conference to Commemorate
The Centenary of the Thai Supreme Patriarch Somdej Phra Ñañasangvara on
“Buddhist Studies in Contemporary World”
At Viangtai Hotel, Bangkok, 14 December 2013

List of files:


"Vijjavimutti: Liberation Through Wisdom" is published by The Buddhist and Pali College of Singapore, a collection of academic papers of scholars.

Vasubandhu's Treatise on the Bodhisattva Vow

This is a treatise on the meaning of "The Sutra on Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha." It was written by the famous early Indian shastra master and bodhisattva, Shramana Vasubandhu (ca 300 ce). In this text, Vasubandhu discourses on the causality behind the origination of the bodhisattva vow (bodhicitta) and on each of the six perfections through which that vow reaches its fruition in buddhahood. This volume includes facing-page source text in both traditional and simplified scripts, variant-readings from other editions, and translator's notes.

On Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha

In this volume, Bhikshu Dharmamitra presents translations of three classic works on the bodhisattva vow (bodhicitta) authored by: The early Indian monastic eminence, Arya Nagarjuna (2nd c.); The Dhyana Master and Pureland Patriarch, Sheng'an Shixian (1686-1734); The Tang Dynasty literatus and prime minister, the Honorable Peixiu (797-870). Given that the bodhisattva vow constitutes the very essence of the path to buddhahood, this text can be said to be dedicated to the most important topic in all of Mahayana Buddhism. The translation and notes are by the American monk, Bhikshu Dharmamitra.

Marvelous Stories from the Perfection of Wisdom

This volume consists of 130 stories and short Dharma anecdotes selected from Nagarjuna's immense commentary on The Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Mahaprajnaparamita-upadesa). Each story is "framed" by the inclusion of Nagarjuna's introductory and summarizing Dharma discussions which place the stories in the context of the Bodhisattva Path to buddhahood. The translation and story selection are by the American monk, Bhikshu Dharmamitra. This volume includes facing-page source text in both traditional and simplified scripts.

Letter from a Friend

In this volume, Bhikshu Dharmamitra presents his translations of the three earliest editions of Arya Nagarjuna's "Letter from a Friend" (Suhrllekha), a work on the layman's practice of the Buddhist path. This text was written by Nagarjuna in the form of a letter of spiritual counsel to the early Indian monarch, King Satakarni. These three editions were produced in the middle part of the first millennium by Tripitaka Masters Gunavarman, Sanghavarman, and Yijing. English translations and notes by Bhikshu Dharmamitra.

A Strand of Dharma Jewels

This is Tripitaka Master Paramartha's earliest (ca 550 ce) complete edition of The Ratnavali, one of Arya Nagarjuna's most important works. In its five 100-verse chapters, Nagarjuna presents both abstruse teachings and practical advice to lay and monastic practitioners while also describing in considerable detail the short-term and long-term terrains of the Bodhisattva Path. This very early edition is particularly useful in shedding light on difficult passages in the much-later Tibetan "revised translation" edition, the only other complete edition of this work.

Nagarjuna on the Six Perfections

This text is a translation of chapters 17-30 of Arya Nagarjuna's immense "Exegesis on the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra" (Mahaprajnaparamita-upadesa). It is a free-standing section of that commentary exclusively devoted to analyzing and explaining the various levels of practice of the bodhisattva's six perfections.

The Bodhisambhara Treatise Commentary

This is a very detailed commentary on the meaning of each stanza comprising Arya Nagarjuna's Bodhisambhara Shastra ("Treatise on the Provisions for Enlightenment") wherein Nagarjuna explains the essential prerequisites for achieving the enlightenment of a buddha and explains as well the most important practices to be undertaken by bodhisattvas. This is the only extant commentary on one of the most important works of Arya Nagarjuna, the 2nd century Indian monk who figured most importantly in articulating the terrains of the Bodhisattva Path.

Nagarjuna's Guide to the Bodhisattva Path

This is The Bodhisambhara Shastra ("Treatise on the Provisions for Enlightenment"), written by Arya Nagarjuna, the early Indian monk (ca 2nd c.) who is one of the most famous figures in the history of Indian Mahayana Buddhism. This work describes the essential prerequisites for achieving the complete enlightenment of a buddha while also describing the most important practices to be undertaken by bodhisattvas.

The Six Dharma Gates to the Sublime

"The Six Gates to the Sublime" is a classic Buddhist meditation instruction manual explaining the six practices crucial to success in traditional Indian Buddhist breath-focused (anapana) meditation and calming-and-insight (samatha-vipasyana) meditation. Correctly implemented, these six "gates" lead the meditator to realization of the fourth of the four truths (cessation), of which the "sublimity" referenced in the title is one of the four canonically-described practice aspects.

The Essentials of Buddhist Meditation

"The Essentials of Buddhist Meditation" is a classic Buddhist meditation instruction manual deeply rooted in the Indian Buddhist "calming-and-insight" meditation tradition. Within its tradition, it is the universally-acknowledged standard beginning-to-intermediate meditation manual, one which offers perhaps the most reliable, comprehensive, and practically-useful Buddhist meditation instruction currently available in English.

Buddhist Heterodoxy of Abhayagiri Sect

This book presents a comprehensive study of the Abhayagiri Fraternity of ancient Sri Lanka, with a special reference to its new Buddhist practices and trends, which made a great contribution to the development of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. It involves a consideration of both primary and secondary literary sources, and also takes into account archaeological findings, epigraphic material and liturgical artifacts. It contains a detailed examination of how the Abhayagiri School adopted heterodoxy Buddhism of other Buddhist traditions apart from the orthodox Theravada teachings and practices.

Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond

The Meditator’s Handbook is a complete, stem-to-stern guide to the subject, with precise step-by-step instructions for traversing the stages of practice and overcoming obstacles. Drawing on his working-class roots, Brahm explains difficult concepts clearly and easily, so that beginners understand them, while those who already meditate gain new insight. Full of surprises, delightfully goofy humor, and entertaining stories that inspire, instruct, and illuminate, The Meditator’s Handbook encourages novices and gives a shot in the arm to more experienced practitioners.

The Secret Teachings of All ages

A classic since 1928, this masterly encyclopedia of ancient mythology, ritual, symbolism, and the arcane mysteries of the ages is available for the first time in a compact "reader's edition."

Like no other book of the twentieth century, Manly P. Hall's legendary The Secret Teachings of All Ages is a codex to the ancient occult and esoteric traditions of the world. Students of hidden wisdom, ancient symbols, and arcane practices treasure Hall's magnum opus above all other works.

Tantric Techniques

Tantric deity yoga is the contemplative practice of visualizing oneself as a buddha, replete with compassion and wisdom, acting altruistically to benefit all sentient beings. This book offers a complete system of Tibetan Buddhist tantric meditation that details the process of transforming oneself through the step-by-step use of the imagination. Hopkins offers a contemporary Western perspective on the practice of deity yoga, based on his study and practice of these techniques.

The Union of Bliss and Emptiness

Guru Yoga is an important aspect of the tantric practice of Mahayana Buddhism and the foundation on which the whole tantric structure is built; it is also the force that gives vitality to a practitioner's meditation. Unlike other systems, tantric meditation depends largely upon inspiration transmitted in an unbroken lineage through a living person, the teacher. Who better than the Dalai Lama can pre a proper understanding of this practice for Tibetan Buddhists.


《如來藏經》根據《華嚴經·性起品》所說的佛智遍滿,法身之普遍性,而以種種譬喻宣說眾生皆在如來之中。一切眾生有如來藏,不管眾生怎樣多次反復輪回, 為煩惱所染汙, 如來藏也不染汙,


The Concept of Self as Expressed in Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra

Although the purport of the teaching on the Self in Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra is the subject of an ongoing debate among the scholars7, it undoubtedly explains the concept of True Self. Williams writes that “the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra teaches a really existing, permanent element ... in sentient beings. It is this element which enables sentient beings to become Buddhas”.

A Mahāyāna Analysis of “American Buddhism,” its Presuppositions, and Complexities

The logic that arrives at the freedom from concepts is one of method that Buddhism offers to reduce suffering. When Buddhism went to China, such intense logic was too much for the culture, too one-sided, and so the Chinese used their existent world view, in conjunction with Buddhist doctrine, to find another way to break free from conceptual framework.

The Guide (Netti-ppakaraṇaṁ)

The book here translated—as it stands, it was perhaps composed more than two thousand years ago—sets forth a method intended for the guidance of those who already know intellectually the Buddha's teaching and want to explain his utterances. It is not a commentary but a guide for commentators: it deals with scaffolding, not with architecture. Its name, Nettippakarana, means 'guide-treatise', but the translation has been called, more simply, the

There are two recognized aspects of language, which are complementary, that is to say the Normative and the Contextual.

The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya

Cover 1
Contents 5
Introduction 19
A Summary of the 152 Suttas 61
Part One - The Root Fifty Discourses 79
Chapter 1 - The Division of the Discourse on the Root 81
1 - Mūlapariyāya Sutta 83
2 - Sabbāsava Sutta 91
3 - Dhammadāyāda Sutta 97
4 - Bhayabherava Sutta 102
5 - Anangaṇa Sutta 108
6 - Akankheyya Sutta 115
7 - Vatthūpama Sutta 118
8 - Sallekha Sutta 123
9 - Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta 132
10 - Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta 145
Chapter 2 - The Division of the Lion’s Roar 157

The connected discourses of the Buddha: a new translation of the Saṃyutta Nikāya

General Contents 7
Preface 11
Key to the Pronunciation of Pali 19
General Introduction 21
PART I: The Book with Verses (Sagāthavagga)
Contents 59
Introduction 69
1 Devatāsaṃyutta: Connected Discourses with Devatās 89
2 Devaputtasaṃyutta: Connected Discourses with Young Devas 139
3 Kosalasaṃyutta: Connected Discourses with the Kosalan 164
4 Mārasarṃyutta: Connected Discourses with Mara 195
5 Bhikkhunīsaṃyutta: Connected Discourses with Bhikkhunis 221
6 Brahmasatμyutta: Connected Discourses with Brahmas 231

Mindfulness in Early Buddhism

This book identifies what is meant by sati (smṛti), usually translated as “mindfulness,” in early Buddhism, and examines its soteriological functions and its central role in the early Buddhist practice and philosophy. Using textual analysis and criticism, it takes new approaches to the subject through a comparative study of Buddhist texts in Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit. It also furnishes new perspectives on the ancient teaching by applying the findings in modern psychology.

The long discourses of the Buddha: a translation of the Digha Nikaya

The Digha Nikaya, or "Long Discourses" of the Buddha, is the first of the five Nikayas (collections) of the Sutta Pitaka. This Nikaya consists of 34 discourses by the Buddha and his chief disciples and deals with a variety of topics such as the rewards of monastic life, early Buddhist philosophy and guidance to laypersons. It also contains some of the most famous discourses such as 'The last days of the Buddha' or the 'Four foundations of mindfulness'.

Peaceful Action, Open Heart

Peaceful Action, Open Heart shines 60 years of study and practice upon one of the crowning scriptures of the path of the Buddha, and is destined to be known as one of the most significant writings by Thich Nhat Hanh. The Lotus Sutra is one of the most revered of Mahayana sacred texts and is sometimes called "the king of sutras." Despite this fact, there are very few commentaries in English available today. Thich Nhat Hanh explores the Sutra’s main theme-- that everyone has the capacity to become a Buddha, and that Buddha-nature is inherent in everything--but he also uniquely emphasizes the sutra’s insight that Buddha-nature is the basis for peaceful action. Since we all will one day become a Buddha, he says, we can use mindfulness practices right now to understand and find solutions to current world challenges. In his interpretation of the sutra, he suggests that if the practices, views, and insights of the Lotus Sutra would find application not only by individuals but also by nations, it would offer concrete solutions to transform individual suffering and the global challenges facing the world today.

A Rose for Your Pocket

In A Rose for Your Pocket, Thich Nhat Hanh invites children of all ages to reflect on the question: Have you loved your mother enough? This lovely prose poem, a gentle reminder of the qualities embodied by mothers, leads the reader to a new and deeper appreciation of his or her mother, whether she is still alive or has passed away. Nhat Hanh shows how motherhood is celebrated in different cultures and shares the story of how his desire to become a monk affected his relationship with his own mother.

Awakening of the Heart

Awakening of the Heart is a comprehensive, single volume collection of the Buddha’s key sutras, translated with contemporary commentary by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. It is an essential complement to Happiness, the bestselling collection of meditation and mindful practices released in 2009. Awakening of the Heart captures the heart of Buddhist wisdom and Thich Nhat Hanh’s unique talent to make the Buddha’s teachings accessible and applicable to our daily lives and times. This is a wonderful gift for anyone looking to deepen their practice and understanding of the teachings, as well as a unique resource to understand the fundamentals of Buddhism from its source.

Beyond the Self

One of the Buddha's most central ideas is the importance of transcending “either/or” thinking to avoid the trap of extremist views. In Beyond the Self Thich Nhat Hanh suggests that we can find tranquility by embracing all aspects of life, instead of focusing on what we like and dislike. The book contains Nhat Hanh's original translation of the Sutra on the Middle Way, as well as his commentary on how we can use this teaching to better understand how to navigate our difficulties and find peace of mind. By changing how we see the world, Beyond the Self helps us transform ourselves.

Buddha Mind, Buddha Body

Buddha Mind, Buddha Body expands upon the themes in Thich Nhat Hanh’s book Understanding Our Mind. It opens with the question: Is free will possible? This concept becomes a leitmotif as the author considers how the mind functions and how we can work with it to cultivate more freedom and understanding, how to be in closer touch with reality, and how to create the conditions for our own happiness. Nhat Hanh discusses the connection between psychology, neuroscience, and meditation.


Encouraging readers to be intelligent and skillful in their practice, this new collection by Thich Nhat Hanh outlines the essential steps by which we can all obtain real and lasting happiness. Each day, we perform the tasks of everyday life without thought or awareness — walking, sitting, working, eating, driving, and much more. But Hanh points out that if we remain truly aware of our actions, no matter the task we’re performing, we can stay engaged in our lives and better our outlook through mindfulness. This key practice is the foundation for this accessible, easy-to-understand volume, and an invaluable tool for change for both seasoned Buddhist practitioners and lay readers interested in bettering their lives through full awareness.


An exciting contribution to the growing trend of applying Buddhist practices to encourage wellness and balance mental health. Reconciliation focuses on mindful awareness of our emotions and offers concrete practices to restore damaged relationships through meditations and exercises to help acknowledge and transform the hurt that many of us may have experienced as children. Reconciliation shows how anger, sadness, and fear can become joy and tranquility by learning to breathe with, explore, meditate, and speak about our strong emotions. Written for a wide audience and accessible to people of all backgrounds and spiritual traditions.

The Energy of Prayer

In order to understand why people pray, The Energy of Prayer examines the applications and effectiveness of prayer in Buddhist and other spiritual traditions. Arguing that prayer is not about asking some external force for what we need, but about creating an internal environment in which it is easier to get what we want, the book introduces several methods of prayer. These methods are meditative in nature and reenvision prayer as an inclusive, accessible practice that is not tied to a particular religious or spiritual affiliation, but rather that can help anyone create a healthy life through the power of awareness and intention.

Transformation and Healing

The Sutra has been studied, practiced, and handed down with special care from generation to generation for 2,500 years. In these commentaries, Thich Nhat Hanh guides the reader to an understanding of the fundamental basis of the Buddhist practice and encourages application in daily life. The book describes the four methods of mindfulness: mindfulness of the body, the feelings, the mind, and the object of mind. It teaches how to deal with anger and jealousy; to nurture the best qualities in our children, spouse, and friends; and to greet death with compassion and equanimity.

Selves and Not-Self

This book is written on the notes Thanissaro Bhikkhu wrote for at retreat in France with focus on Anatta. The book draws on passages from the Pali Canon and on the writings and talks of the ajaans, or teachers, of the Thai forest tradition, in which Thanissaro Bhikkhu was trained.

Unravelling the Mysteries of Mind and Body Through Abhidhamma

Unravelling the Mysteries of Mind and Body Through Abhidhamma by Sayalay Susil. Abhidhamma is a Pali word , the language in which the Theravadin records of the teachings of the Buddha have been recorded. The word is composed of the two parts, ‘abhi’ meaning ‘higher’ or ‘greater’ and ‘dhamma’ which means ‘reality’ or ‘truth’ (it can be loosely translated as to mean ‘everything which is real’). The teachings of Abhidhamma may appear dull or complicated in daily life and meditation practices. Therefore it is largely ignored.

The Messenger of God - Muhammad - An Analysis of the Prophet's Life

In his speeches and writings Gülen envisions a twenty-first century in which we shall witness the birth of a spiritual dynamic that will revitalize long-dormant moral values; an age of tolerance, understanding, and international cooperation that will ultimately lead through intercultural dialogue and a sharing of values, to a single, inclusive civilization. In the field of education, he has spearheaded the establishment of many charitable organizations to work for the welfare of the community, both within and without Turkey.


Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment was published in 2002 by Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet. The free ebook is essentially a commentary on Atishas Dipamkara Shrijnana’s A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment and Lama Je Tsong Khapa’s Lines of Experience. Buddhism originated from its founding teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha , who gave 84,000 forms of teaching.

The Concept of God in Islam

From the intro: “The concept of Allah in Islam is not written for those who deliberately misrepresent the Islamic faith, for these will never see anything except through their own tinted glasses, and there is no cure for their blindness. Rather, it is written for open-minded and fair non-Muslims who sincerely wish to know how Muslims conceive their Creator.”

Aspects of Early Sociological Buddhist Thought

In the second part, Buddhism and Buddhist teachings are looked at from the perspective of medicine. What do Buddhist teachings say on illness and health? Health for example, is referred to as the greatest gain in life. There is much that Buddhist anthropology and sociology could gain from Buddhist thought. The social aspects of the community of monks are discussed from a sociological point of view as its theme. …..

Essentials of Buddhism

Chapter One
1. The Buddha in the Pali Canon
Renunciation, Self-Mortification & Enlightenment
The Buddha’s Mission
Salient Features of the Theravada Concept of the Buddha

Chapter Two
2. Impermanence as a Basic Fact of Existence
Arguments Adduced in the Anattalakkhaõa-sutta
Empirical Observation of Facts
Etymological & Doctrinal Meaning of the Term ‘anicca’
Impermanence: the Nature of all Component Things
Is Consciousness Soul?

Chapter Three
3. The Concept of Dukkha in Early Buddhist Teaching
The Etymological Definition & the Exegesis

Zen-Brain Reflections

Note: the ebook has been removed.
This sequel to the widely read Zen and the Brain continues James Austin’s explorations into the key interrelationships between Zen Buddhism and brain research. In Zen-Brain Reflections, Austin, a clinical neurologist, researcher, and Zen practitioner, examines the evolving psychological processes and brain changes associated with the path of long-range meditative training. Austin draws not only on the latest neuroscience research and new neuroimaging studies but also on Zen literature and his personal experience with alternate states of consciousness. Zen-Brain Reflections takes up where the earlier book left off. It addresses such questions as: how do placebos and acupuncture change the brain? Can neuroimaging studies localize the sites where our notions of self arise? How can the latest brain imaging methods monitor meditators more effectively? How do long years of meditative training plus brief enlightened states produce pivotal transformations in the physiology of the brain? In many chapters testable hypotheses suggest ways to correlate normal brain functions and meditative training with the phenomena of extraordinary states of consciousness.
